Hi Steemit! I'm @earnest from Argentina: Your Hot Potato Content Curator, Synthesist Commenter and Generalist Thinker.(Hot Ukrainian Girl Bonus Video Inside)

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hi, I am a thinker, programmer, synthesist, generalist. My interests are 3Dprinting, deep learning, AGIs, AI, parkour, wingsuit, carpentry, socioeconomic networks, cryptocurrencies, reputation systems, cybernetics, neurology, resilience, intellectual honesty, human technology, and many many more subjects of research, again, Im a generalist.

Many of you know me for my work in the comment's section of a myriad of blogs, mostly in blogs that abuse the platform with the hot potato kind of abuse that is politically incorrect to challenge or financially inconvenient to do so.

I call that content curation, community curation, even though many people call me a
psychopath and what I do "trolling".

Now let me make some points clear:

  • To curate content in a way that you can catch and keep psychopaths abusing the platform in check you need curators that are capable of thinking like a psychopath.
    More over, the best detectives and researchers often present phychopathic tendencies of their own.
    You cannot ask of me to deal with the psychopaths in a nice and polite way, its unreasonable.

  • Each person that games the system is a moral attack on the platform resulting in a sinking in the morale
    of the people that perceive it as unfair.
    The moral dimension is not being considered here, and the moral dimension is the most important dimension to
    every conflict as Boyd said:


Steemit is in a conflict with the Facebook culture of social networking for free, of being a cognitive slave.
It is of fundamental and enormous importance in that conflict that Steemit users feel the system is fair and that rampant abuse is kept in check, fair doesnt mean equal.
When people see examples of abuse succeed their morale drops nonlinearly, it collapses.
Steemit's big players should look into this.
As a side note, I have invited one of the most important 5th generation conflict tech/military thinkers to steemit
having so far a favorable first response:


  • My comments are content, meta content, the work of a curator
    consists of synthesis and creating meta-content, not just voting up or down. Consider that.

(to be continued)

Meta Bonus: Here is a Hot Ukrainian girl dancing.


And here is a nice wingsuit video:



Welcome! Good read. I love a fellow "raving generalist" aboard!

The feeling is mutual...

If you're interested some of us have been having utopia/community betterment discusions at:
furthering-the-utopia-discussion-version-2-0. Always looking for other perspectives towards progress :)

make it bigger than that, make it your post of the year

I very much enjoy this

Oh I can write pages and pages on this, but wanted to keep it somewhat digestible for others to read. I don't expect to have all the answers myself on this, just want to see the discussion itself progress.
How can we know if were moving in the right direction without and least some concept of what we want. :)

"Shiny happy people holding hands..."

no kidding?

ok you can count me in, Im in(side you) :)
so sorry

let me know, whats that utopia about? Dont be shy...

Short answer: It's all about personal growth. Each individual trying to grow, be better, more complex, etc... as time passes. Nobody should be the same person they were in high school.
To achieve this end, basic needs, work, community are there to facilitate an individuals growth by covering their NEEDS to allow them to focus on their WANTS (i.e. creativity, production, etc...)
While not trying to sound elitist in any way, but not everybody is ready to be a part of such an experiment. There have to be some requirements in place for prospective members such as 'ego work' to allow members to honestly believe that they themselves are not acting maliciously nor other members acting maliciously. There are immediate issues, not even financially, if someone were to just join the group to get the 'free' stuff and not even attempt to contribute back. The goal is to find win/win scenarios that are best for the individual AND the community. (Kind of like steemit)
A more in depth write up is at small-utopia-and-steemit-might-be-able-to-help if up for a longer read, which also continues into the comments.

@sykochica I have a feeling our friend @earnest believes you and I post a lot alike. And for whatever reason he's trying to trap one of us for god only knows what reason.

Frankly, I looked at this, didn't notice the name at first and was scratching my head wondering when the hell I wrote it.

His clues here are likely our mutual propensity to post long pages of somewhat excess verbosity and to wax a bit prolux. Also a tendency to reflect inward while projecting outward. It also appears you and I have similar world viewpoints.

Put another way, if I had to guess I think our friend here thinks that either I'm your sockpuppet or you are mine. Oldest post I can find on you is about a week ago. Not sure when I joined exactly, but I think I've been here about 2 weeks now.

Anyways, you and I for whatever reason share a lot of common interests and share a writing style. Therefore, one of us must be a sockpuppet. I have to admit, if it were a real catch it would be a good one.

Don't sweat it though.

Unfortunately, I think you may be caught in a trap. It appears @earnest was trying to bait me in over at Pay it forward then caught you and now seems to doubt my sincerity.

Either way, it's nice to know someone is like minded.
@earnest If this is what you're playing at over in pay it forward, well best of luck to you. I'm assuming you're either smart enough at this point to realize the mistake or else nothing I could say, could possibly disprove your current mindset. I'm not going to take the time to bother with it. Your mind is a mystery known only unto you.
Just sorry you wasted your time though.

what does "other" mean?
please comment on my blog posts, I've been looking for you

Other? Like in the sense of 'not this one?' I think I'm missing something.
I'll check out your blog posts here in a while.

Ahh, i fixed the typo above. '...digestible for others to read...'
Sorry, didn't see it at first

la patria es el otro

you mean inside?

Great to see more people from Argentina onboard! Check out our steemit meetup group.

Will do Frank, I have a feeling I know you from somewhere... :)

@earnest Interesting post. Most of that stuff scares the hell out of me. Flight suits? You kidding me? If god wanted to man to fly he would have invented airplanes!
Coming over to check you out from my blog about content curation

You got my upvote! Don't agree with you entirely, but it is content that should be curated.

Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 11.3 and reading ease of 58%. This puts the writing level on par with Michael Crichton and Mitt Romney.

Glad to have you around!

Enjoy your stay!

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