Proof of Life. Introducing Darwynn !

Introducing Darwynn Evergreen.
Her steem proof of life verification.

Today is a very special day, not only is it pi day, today is the day We have a daughter.
Lets start with

time of birth- 1:23pm pacific standard time. March 14th 2018.

Weight- 7pnds 15 oz

Height - 54 centimetres


I feel so blessed, I dont even have words to write this blog.
Her weight in my arms, like a perfect little angel. The sweetest tiny cry, the happiest mommy and daddy in the world. A big brother to protect her, and a world full of magic, wonder and possibilities.

So too all of steem, i’m happy to record this triumphant and glorious day on the steem blockchain forever.
Spread the word. Lets make blockchain babies. The bitgen is upon us!
Much love.
If you appreciate what I do, and want to see more and get updates on the family on interesting topics and crypto hit that follow button.
I hope everyone is doing well and having as blessed of a day as my family is having. Much love 49E63157-F921-4A6E-A0A2-55CECD0F5A17.jpeg


Awesome / Congratulations to you and your significant other :)

Aww. Welcome Darwynn. She shares her birthday with my mom and Albert Einstein.

Congratulation @dizzyjay to you and your wife! Your daughter is beautiful, you are blessed! :)

Blessed indeed, can hardly contain myself.

So cute! Congrats mommy, daddy and big brother! 💗

She is absolutely beautiful my friend, much congratulations are in order 💜❤️b

Yay right? Stoked for you to meet her this evening @mollythegreat

Congratulations my friend! I got choked up seeing this, and it brought a tear to my eye. I don't always get emotional so easily. I'm so happy for you bro!

Thank you so much @futuremind my brain is fried from all the excitement. I’m so stoked though it feels so good to finally have been able to write this intro blog. Much love!!

Much love bro!

Wow!! This is wonderful! Congrats man.

Thanks @luxx I literally couldnt be happier right now.

Congratulations! How's the mother feeling?

She was screaming, then blissful, now sleepy. My girls are both sleeping already.

And you're still awake, dealing with it all. Good on ya, bud!

I wasnt just born and I didnt push out a baby, I feel great. Not like the first kid, for River I nearly died of pneumonia i ws delirious through the whole experience, still cut that cord then as I did today.

Hello @dizzyjay!

I noticed you have posted many times since you began your journey on Steemit. That is great! We love active partipants.

I do want to point out that the Introduceyourself tag is meant to be used once only to introduce yourself to the Steemit community. You have now posted 5 times using the introduceyourself tag. Please see this link for more information Tag Spam?

Please take this into consideration and help build a great platform!

I indeed have considered this. I was not introducing myself persay but my child, if you cared about the quality of steem youd spend less time copy pasting this message based on statistics and read the blogs. Besides who are you to tell me this, im pretty sure i paid into my account. I post tags based on the content. Its a decentralized system. Bug off, this is an attempt to bring attention to steem. Its posted on my facebook too. Also a celebration of the birth of a brand new human that I have the right to introduce as her parent. Rediculous bot @bycoleman add some ai.

Congratulations on your baby girl!

Please consider reading the welcome document for new Stemians.

The bot will begin to downvote you automatically after a certain level. Also @steemcleaners will begin as well with a lot more SP.

There is a "introduction" tag you should consider for introducing others.

Using relevant tags helps everyone and contributes to a quality platform.

The platform runs on consensus and at this time, this is the consensus that has been adopted for this tag.

Sorry for being a jerk, if it wasnt my primary tag i would edit it. Thanks for responding. Honestly. Im used to people just dropping comments for no benefit. I never considered introduction over introduceyourself, thanks for the manual response. I am sorry. @introbot @bycoleman and all the community, after I’m done celebrating Darwynn’s birth I will sit down and reread the faqs and the community guidelines and write a blog promoting the knowledge I was currently just ignorant to.

Thank you sir, I really appreciate your feedback. Both the first and of course the latter. I do wish you continued success and much joy with your newest family member. They are truly incredible gifts!

Thank you! Muchlove :)

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