David Dancing Tree - My First Post Introducing Myself

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I'm new, old, but new!

I am working on my first contribution post using the web editor "StackEdit".

I have no idea what I am doing...so the formatting here is beyond embarassingly basic, but I wanted to get started. I promise my skill level here will improve in the future!

Q: "Dancing Tree?" - what is that about?

A: My name is David Nelson.

David 'Dancing Tree' Nelson - I think I will have some fun with this. I need a new costume for parties!

'David Nelson' It is such a common name. I want my audience to be able to find me so I created a pen/authoring name.

I literally decided on this during the last few days, registered the domain name, etc. I have a lot of work to do.

Yes, there is a story behind that name. I'll share a bit about it...

I am 53 years old, a few years ago while experiencing something that was consciousness expanding...

(...an all natural kind of thing, shamanic in nature and strong medicine regardless of legalities for anyone with a concussion and headaches...)

I remember looking up at some beautiful trees and they were "dancing"...well...hula dancing to be precise.

I know that trees do not dance. On that sunny afternoon, they danced!

I remember I kept chuckling, knowing that when the trees stopped dancing it was a clue my journey was wrapping up!

Over the last 17 years, I've written tidbits of insights and advice around the web. Many people privately and sometimes publically thanked me and suggested I formally publish my perspectives.

Moving into the new year of 2018 I wanted to begin a new digital life reaching a broader audience.

The last few years have been difficult. Three years ago I had an auto accident which resulted in a "mild" TBI i.e. concussion. Mild my a*s, I couldn't read or write for nearly 2 months, and more.

I lost a relationship, some memories. Beyond the legal stuff that took 3 years to wrap up I now have impairments.

I never know when the impairments will rear their influence. (laugh) Usually, it is an amusement but sucks if it happens during job interviews.

ACCIDENT? driving home from work at 2 am, going the speed limit (65mph ish), someone changed lanes behind me at a high rate of speed, lurched me forward into a spin. I'm lucky to be alive. Odd, they said they were going the speed limit. If so, I would of had to have been going about 30mph. My guess is they were going 90+mph based on the impact and frame damage at time of impact.

I learned a lot about "healthcare" providers, lawyers, and insurance companies. I should write a "How to" outline.

It's amazing how massage therapists suddenly are worth $200/hr and chiropractors are billing at $350/hr+ (don't get me started) Its common practice.

CRYPTO: I wish I could say I was a "crypto-millionaire"...perhaps someday!

I started playing with that in September and began investing some small sums (about $200), and from October to December 31, I've done quite well with an overall 3x account growth in a diversified portfolio.

I was willing to learn by doing...using real money. I had to make some changes to my spending habits. I put together a plan and budget.

I apologize in advance for not learning how to use all the features of an editor.

One of my impairments is that it takes me longer to learn new things. It sucks as that used to be one of my strengths. I will reclaim it, I am certain of it!

I've been a geek since age 14 with my Apple 2+, (it dates me) point: it was a big deal going to a 2nd floppy disk, and soldering in my shift-key board so I could have lower case while saving up to get my 80 column board so I could use a Word Processor (Super Text). Note neither Word nor Word Perfect existed.

I should have just bought stock in Microsoft...

I currently work in Mainframe Operations at a Data Center in Oregon. It's a great job for anyone recovering from a concussion.

When my ability to read returned, I was able to resume work.

TOPICS - I plan on sharing:
(Not necessarily in this order)

1 - MONEY - A Simple Money Management System for people who hate budgeting, are not any good at it, that will work even in you have a TBI with memory issues! I will provide a 3rd party reference to a book that inspired my version of a process I found to be very effective.

2 - RELATIONSHIPS - I have a system that has worked for me and others that I have developed throughout my life. There are many aspects of this topic that I will be sharing my insights about.

3 - LIFE NAVIGATION - During the last 18+ years, I have developed a life navigational system that I have found to be effective in navigating "real" life. It is sort of an addendum to peoples beliefs...things they already know but most likely do not know how to apply in day to day living.

4 - LIFE REBOOTING - a subset of #3, sometimes I feel like a "reboot my life" specialist. I usually get the call, or text message when everything else has failed. (Friends, family, etc.) Prayer failed, gofundme failed, the church failed, friends and family failed and the problem still exists. Now what? That is when I get the call. (laugh) I'll share my "POTU Rule of 3", perhaps I should rebrand that as "David Dancing Tree Rule of 3" - hey, that has a ring to it.

Some of this is suicide prevention stuff, I usually share my pizza-pie agreement.

Example: I have agreements with friends/family that I won't talk them out of "leaving the planet", but at least lets have 1 last piece of pizza or pie together!

I've lost folks to suicide throughout my life and I've talked quite a few folks into sticking around by helping them look at life differently.

Since creating the pizza/pie agreement, I haven't lost anyone. (fingers crossed) that trend will continue. Like most of us, I too have faced some pretty dark times...

I sometimes share my authentic truth around this and people can relate, especially if they have a loaded weapon and a plan...my own personal story is quite interesting. It's best shared via video so you can hear my voice.

No worries, I will do videos on this stuff too.

5 - OTHER - Projects and personal blogging, maybe even some adventures in cryptocurrency strategies which I know is a hot topic right now.

6 - Concussion - TBI advice for recovery, dealing with "the system", predators and protecting yourself.

Bottom line: I am here to extend my reach to help others. Our world seems a bit crazy which is nothing new for human beings to deal with; however, the level of crazy and the speed at which people are harmed is unprecedented.

I see crypto-currency creating new wealth around the world with smart "geeks" leading the way (laugh) and there is a need for a new leadership take over of long past their prime systems of manipulation and abuse against the common person of humanity.

I also fully realize that there are so many sheepeople out there, that power-obsessed "leaders" are clearly addicted to shearing and fleecing. At some point, new honorable leadership must emerge before we self-destruct as a species.

I'm here to help with all of that.

A picture of me and my sweetie Diana. I will revisit formatting options, bear with me!


Written with StackEdit.


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welcome to steemit @daviddancingtree, best regards..
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊

Welcome to steemit. I hope you wll enjoy your stay here. If you need help with anything at this platform please do not hesitate to ask me or anyone in the community. Everyone here is eager to help one another. Happy New Year!

Happy new year my friend and welcome to steemit.
I'm glad you joined and would be happy to follow you ..
Have a good time and every question you have I would love to answer you ..
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