Meet Daemon - My Superhero Ferret Friend

This is Daemon - my 4 year old furry sidekick who looks like she would be should be one of the stars of Pokemon.

Daemon is such a good creature and never does a day go by where I appreciate her being around. She's so smart and we communicate through our psychic powers.

When I first got her I could hardly hold her she was so hyper active when a baby, but these days we're hardly separated. She still loves to play fight and run after me.

Never does a day go by where she provides me with smiles and laughing joy.

She's a huge fan of computer tech. and possesses mythical super powers not to be reckoned with.

She even likes to help out with fun building projects.

And yes she has a thing for sleeping on plastic bags.

My little buddy always wants to be by me.

She's even learned how to ride around on my shoulders.

Always likes to pose for photos. :)

Everyone she meets loves her


A great man is hard on himself; a small man is hard on others.

If you could enroll in a PhD program, with your tuition paid in full by a mysterious benefactor, what would you study - and why?

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