Hello Steemit and my fellow Steamians!

Hello everyone! My name is Patrick and I'm really excited to be here! IMG_2064.JPG

(You guys like how Steem jumped up 40% for my photo?)

I am a big cryptocurrency nerd and I've been in it since 2014! I used make videos on YouTube just to talk about all the new technology I was learning about.
Check me out a little younger here===> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD4IDoct4v55gwfkyhNNHyg

Man I was so young! I got away from making videos due to time, but I really miss it and being part of a community. I can't wait to make content and I'm really happy that I have been investing again. I have missed out on some opportunities with bitcoin and other cryptos, but I still think there is plenty of potential in them still. Nothing proves that more right than the recent correction Bitcoin has had. The price action reminded me of the time Bitcoin went up to about $1,600 back down to $250. Huge run ups and then buying opportunities!

This is pretty much why I have decided to join Steemit, to share ideas and learn from others!
(also everyone from my wives work is also asking my opinion on crypto, this will be a nice reference for them as well)

I'm also a husband, father, son, LEGO nerd, teacher, cook and I love to garden! For the most part I will only be talking cryptos here though.

Oh and if anyone is wondering about my profile pic.... it is the artwork from an old cryptocoin that never made it named "Coinye"! Legal action was threatened by Kayne West and they coin was never made. I made a funny video saying that someone should continue the project under the name "gayfishcoin" lol I really love all the crazy coins that have been made, although I HODL none of them!!!!


It's interesting that your blog showed when I typed in LEGO and you don't even have a lego tag, I do and my photos don't show up. Whatever steemit, whatever...

HaHa actually if you look at the fine print at the bottom of my introduction, you'll see it says I'm a LEGO nerd! I have made LEGO content in the past and will probably be making an all LEGO Steemit to share it. I will look you up once that is created!!! Thanks for the comment!!

Hey! :) .. Welcome to Steemit.. it's my first day too and I am also a Crypto nerd 🤓! I think i was the first one to Upvote your post (yaaay)!. :)

Are you on Youtube?

No, I’m not! People keep telling me I should but I feel like I’m not good with cameras 😅! Maybe I’ll upload a video here and see how it goes 🤷🏻‍♀️!

You look a little like someone who makes crypto videos! It can be fun, I like making videos when I'm off camera. I hate everyone watching me! lol In the end just another thing that takes time and practice!

Your time is Your money so dont waste it without knowing Rules ,
Rules Before You shart steemti Account.

Welcome Patrick!
I'm looking to learn more about Crypto and we both share a passion for gardening so I'll be giving you a follow!
I'm hoping to submit my intro post tomorrow.

He is not a gay fish! hahaha

I can't imagine a better way to learn about crypto than to be part of it through Steemit! Look forward to your intro! South Park is such a funny show!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 61129.24
ETH 2376.01
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54