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RE: Hello Steemians, I'm Dynamix - A bitcoin enthusiast, trader , writer and more ...

Welcome aboard Andrei! Always good to see another fellow Bitcoin enthusiast signing up. Hope you will enjoy your time here! I share your goal of achieving financial freedom and not having to slave away my remaining years in service to some corporate master. I just wish I had started down that path as early in life as you have. Will be looking forward to reading your content and seeing how your journey goes!


Thanks, Bitcoin is just a technology that everyone will want and will use in the future. It's just a waiting game until the real mass adoption will come in. For sure, Financial freedom is something that each on this planet deserves to have if they work hard enough. You can't just be living the good path of life without leaving your mark on that pathway.

Agreed, it takes a lot of hard work to get there and the journey is long. Bitcoin probably still has some upside left in it, but how sweet it would have been to get in on the ground floor years ago! I hold some Bitcoin, but I also think it's worth looking at promising new technologies such as Ethereum which have enormous growth potential in the years to come.

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