Hello Steemit! An Updated Introduction to MYSELF!!

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Hey guys! I've been on Steemit for around 10 months now, meaning I'm nearing my one year anniversary since I invested in crypto (I made a Steemit account about a month after I started investing in crypto).

I've been on and off Steemit ever since, but really made Steemit a part of my life in mid January/early February when I started to truly explore the potential of this platform and the opportunities this platform gives for people like myself to make money! Since then, my objectives have shifted but I still enjoy this platform very much for what it is plus the friends I've made on here.

Also since then, I've started my own charity to help Venezuelans who have been adversely affected by the hyper-inflation in their country. Many people I met through the establishment of that have asked to know a bit more about me, plus I need an introduction post to be accepted to #teamaustralia and my old one is quite outdated :)

Table of Contents

  • My Life From Birth to Now!
  • My Start on Steemit
  • My Future on Steemit
  • Fun Fact About ME!

My Life From Birth to Now!

I was born in Australia, but spent the next three years of my life after my birth in China due to very difficult financial circumstances here in Australia, given both my parents were quite new to the country and trying to support my older brother through his education. I was sent back to Australia when I reached 4 years old so I could attend kindergarten and primary school here.

From the age of 4, I attended kindergarten but had trouble communicating as I had 0 english skills (being new from China). However, luckily for me I live in an area with many Asians, so there was a chinese speaking teacher that helped me learn english and helped translate things for me! After a few months, the atmosphere had completely changed for me, I knew english a lot better, had many friends and some of the Aussie kids even learnt chinese! My mum still tells me the story of the time a little Aussie girl came up to her and asked her if she wanted to play with her in fluent chinese!

After kinder, it was time for me to go to primary school. This was a very different environment for me, and I had trouble adapting. Throughout my first year of primary school, I pretty much made 0 friends. It wasn't until grade 1 I made my first friend, by accident! I was sitting in class in the first day of school and saw a familiar face, I said hi to him but he seemed rather confused. His mother saw me say hi, and told me to be friends with him, so now I was confused too. It turned out I had mistook him for someone else who looked similar! He was actually a new kid here on his first day! His mother saw me say hi so she thought we could be good friends, and 12 years later I'm still friends with this kid today :)

Fast forward a few years because I feel this intro is going to be too long, I'm now in high school (grade 7)! I had applied for scholarships to try and get into a private school but my efforts proved fruitless. I was "stuck" in a public school, which I actually thoroughly enjoyed for 2 years! I made many friends from there and had many fun experiences. However, after not getting a scholarship my ego took a hit, and so did my motivation. I stopped caring about studies and started becoming addicted to online gaming (namely League of Legends and World of Warcraft). However, 2 years later (grade 9) out of sheer luck, I got into a select entry school. Everyone around me was shocked, the most shocked probably myself and my parents. This was an opportunity far better than a private school education, and at a LOT more affordable price.

After getting in, I realised that I couldn't just do fuck all all the time and still cruise along with nice marks. I've always been quite good at maths, and on my first test at my new school I copped a score just under 30%. This was a wake up call, I had to get my shit together. This motivation didn't last very long, until I reached grade 10 where I met someone who re-ignited my motivation to learn, by being the most competitive person I've ever met (if you're reading this, you know who you are!).

This person's aggravating smirk when he beat me on a test, or condescending remark when his essay was better than mine was what pushed me to achieve a score that put me in the top 4% of Australia at the end of high school.

I am now in my first year of university studying Commerce and Computer Science!

My Start on Steemit

I simply started on Steemit because I wanted to earn money! After a few posts, I quickly realised that wasn't happening. Soon I gave up.

I returned to Steemit thinking of it as an investment opportunity. I powered up a little bit of SP and leased some from MinnowBooster, which instantly saw my earnings rise (as I just self-upvoted everything). However, this is of course frowned upon. Confused by the system, the community and everything I left again.

It wasn't until around Feb of 2018 that I really came back, this time for the community. I still made posts, but this time I didn't care how much money I got from it. I cared about how many people I could reach, I cared about seeing people comment on my post and replying to them, meaning someone out there in the world actually read what I had to say. It was quite a humbling feeling, knowing the stuff in my mind might've had value to someone else out there.

Since then I have amassed a fanbase of over 1800 followers (I know, 95% of them are probably bots or inactive)! I have established a charity, @crypto.charity which has so far raised over $60 USD and fed many families in Venezuela. I am hoping this is just the start as more fundraisers will be on the way!

My Future on Steemit

I am hoping to someday raise over $10,000 for Venezuela via @crypto.charity. This goal might take months, or even years but I'm hoping that we, as a community will be able to do it!

I am also planning to start an educational series on computer science! I'm taking a unit this semester called "Introduction to Computer Science". I plan on taking some notes and posting it here on Steemit, in other words taking notes purely for the sake of posting it on Steemit! I'm hoping this will motivate me to study as last semester I had a lot of trouble finding the motivation to study

I will of course continue posting about crypto and my day trading adventures! For those who actually read my old day trading posts, I'm up to +668 Steem over the last 8 weeks!

Fun Fact About Me!

This is required for my application into #teamaustralia! I have had a lot of trouble thinking of a fun fact about me, so here's more like a random fact! Despite being only 18, I have a few white hairs. In fact, they started popping up before I even turned 10!

Don't forget to follow @crypto.charity for updates and join our Discord Server!

We will be launching our next fundraiser soon! I am planning for there to be over 100 Steem worth of prizes so stay tuned and don't forget to give @crypto.charity a follow :)


Great to hear @cryptoeater how would you say you like steemit in general after having left and coming back a few times? Are you going to stick around this time? :)

Hopefully this time I'll be sticking around, especially since I've made a lot of new friends here and even started my own charity! I first thought of Steemit as a place to primarily make money, not I see it as a place to make a community, which is why I feel like I'll be here to stay :)

Im very happy to meet you @cryptoeater, yor work whit @crypto.charity is amazing, our team from @oneopportunity is so glad to have your support thank U very much!

Have a nice day, and welcome to steemit.


Welcome to steemit family. Upvote and follow done. Keep it up.

Welcome to Steem, @cryptoeater!

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Welcome to Steemit cryptoeater. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)

welcome to steemit. good luck and have a great prosperity

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