Hello Steemit!

My friends call me Juno, I am a history addict, I believe learning our past helps us understand our present better.

I will write about historical events that happened on today's date a long time ago.. (Almost) every day(:
I also write about great places to travel too.

Follow me and join the journey


Welcome. Which topic of history will you cover. Ancient, American history?

I am searching for major history events that happened around the world on today's date and writing about the even they are associated with

Hey Juno, welcome to Steemit! You are joining at a great time. We have just emerged from a small recession, spirits are high, and content has never been stronger on the site.

I'm looking forward to your travel and historical posts. See you around :-)

Welcome friend follow me m following u :)

Welcome to you. I followed. Lover of History as well!

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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68221.63
ETH 3277.70
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66