
Very cool stuff. I've been walking/writing a process of self-investigation through examining my relationships within thought, word and deed.

I too got into the crypto-sphere from the perspective of being deeply interested in a world that is to the best benefit of all Life. I'm interested in the outlook and conversations into Manifesting Heaven on Earth...Playground Planet Awesome. I realize that it is my responsibility to share and talk about the lessons i've learned and the mistakes i've made and the solutions i see that are to the best benefit everyone.

Thanks So much for sharing yourself. Much appreciated. Our words are the world and the foundation building blocks to creating the best structures that support and enhance all Life.

Steem On, the dream is Live

A very rich comment and you are easily becoming known for this! Leaving a piece of your very self all over and sharing it in a bid to teach something. Keep the comments going!

Hey! @unmean-stweets
Thanks so much for the words of encouragement :) I very much appreciate them. I think what you are doing is quite cool. Standing as a leader and encouraging the comets of the comets of commenting...moving around the steemit galaxy sharing the stellar awesomeness. Top Notch :)

Keep Steem'n

The Dream is Live

Awesome, glad to meet another fellow traveler.

A little more support on your post for the freedom you have displayed here. Infact, it is not very easily to lay yourself bare and this is commended. "We are in this together!" After all, it be beautiful testimonies and we will all witness it!

Sweet article homie. Putting it in the @Steemtrail Weekly now.

Awesome, thanks @jacobts!

Great post. Thank you and welcome.

Thanks :) Took me a while to figure out who I was, but I'm glad to finally be able to introduce myself!

Awesome post, thank you. This resonated with me on so many levels. I share your point of view in encouraging positive change from a positive place. Beautiful. There is so much fear based information being spread and to me it's not healthy. All the best to you and looking forward to seeing more of what you create here!

Thanks for an awesome comment!

First of all welcome to steemit (funny that I'm saying that I also just joined). Just wanted to say you're spreading a great message. Crypto is so much more than monetary gain, we're building the world of tomorrow!

Welcome aboard, it's a great community and a great place to invest your time!

What an inspirational post. Looking forward to reading future posts from you. Thank you!

Thanks I'll check out yours as well.

You got my vote of confidence @clayboyn


Welcome to the club!

Welcome to Steemit! @simoneb

:) Thanks and awesome gif by the way.

Welcome, simoneb!

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