Magical Manifestations From A New Steemian!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I believe in Mind Over Matter! I was born & raised on Bali:
Island Of The Gods
I see Magical Manifestations around me everyday!


From age 7 I began to distrust mainstream education! I did my own research when I was 15 and chose to leave school. My family was supportive so I looked for a job on Bali.


After leaving school I was lucky to have many amazing older friends and began apprenticeships in several interesting fields of study.

I wanted some business experience so I got a job at a Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality and Wellness center here in Ubud, Bali. During this period I delved into Consciousness and Psychedelics.

The only problem was the Yoga center paid me USD $112.50 per month! I hope I can make more here on Steemit.

A friend of mine who is a tech savvy, cryptocurrency expert told me that Steemit is the future of social media. When I searched and clicked on Steemit my jaw instantly dropped.

Further research convinced me that I needed to join Steemit. I inputed the SMS verification code and waited for the email... Within 24 hours my account was confirmed. This was too good to be true. I finally found a possible alternative to busting my ass for pennies.

I will be posting about:

  • My exciting personal adventures

  • My progress & the experiences I will have here on Steemit

  • Cryptocurrencies and what I learn about them

  • Meditation/breathing exercises

  • Psychedelics & consciousness

  • Weekly posts relating to Alan Watts (a favourite author of mine)

  • I like to write literature so you can expect some original stories & poems from Chron


What can I offer the Steemit community?

I am currently 16 years old and believe I represent a new demographic here on Steemit. I have freed myself from the chains of the education system and I want to share this journey.

My hope is that I will be a success on Steemit and assist in giving other people my age the impression that Steemit is a viable social media platform. My intention is to prove that our teenage years can be spent becoming economically independant - free and happy without becoming a slave to the system!


As I am an avid conspiracy advocate I know it is necessary to question our authorities. I will be pleased to share with the Steemit community my views on these topics.

I like travelling, and I love telling stories. Steemit will come with me on some adventures very soon!

The revolution starts here!


Why I think Steemit is important

Steemit is more than just another cryptocurrency - everyone uses social media and this is the first coin to bridge the gap between them.

Steemit may be complicated at first - but I believe it is worth the effort! I already see a rich and diverse community of people regularly generating amazing content which adds value to our system.

This is a chance for normal everyday, people to use crypto currencies. You don't have to sit in a dark room typing code watching the market all day. Just go outside, take some pictures and start posting on Steemit!


We Need To Wake Up!

Facebook posts give you nothing. Steemit gives you money and welcomes you with open arms to the monetary revolution!

A Big Thank You To Everyone On Steemit!!!

Thank you for reading my introductory post and for participating in the Steemit revolution! I hope we can all benefit from this magnificent system together! =)

I would like to express my gratitude to @samstonehill and @jockey for encouraging and assisting me to get on Steemit!

Images credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8



Welcome to Steem @chron I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank you very much, it seems we will be the bot faces of steemit :).

Awesome photos and post. resteeming!!

Amazing, thanks for the support!

chron, you are most wlcoome!

Wow looks like you have the hang of it already!
Your post is very well composed and your a great writer/communicator. It also appears you have some interesting things to share.
I personally LOVE that you figured out the scam that is the indoctrination camps (school) and are forging your own self existing life!
Great JOB!
I will give you a follow to see what kind of content you share.

Thank you @quinneaker, I appreciate the follow and hope you will enjoy the future content I will have to share :)

As do I~

Awesome Chron! Upvoted and Resteemed with pleasure! =)

Thank you kind sir (ht).

Welcome to Steemit!

You are a prime example of why government schools are obsolete. Your writing is very good, you are aware, and you're full of positive energy at a very young age. I'm very impressed!

I'm also thankful for @samestonehill 's resteem to see this post.

Thank you very much for your kind words. I will continue to disprove the system!

Welcome, I hope you find what you are looking for! :)

Thank you, I hope so too :)

welcome, @chron, see you soon in Bali HQ

Thank you, indeed you shall :)

hello. check it out!!!
hey checkout the new bitcoin news by via btc. bitcoin cash and mining pool,. . . .

Thank you for the info.

Welcome to Steemit! Please consider checking out and @minnowsupport. It is a great community of individuals that will help you get started and can answer all of your questions.

Thank you, will check it out :)

Welcome @chron, follow and upvote.

Thank you :).

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