
image.jpghello steemit community!

i'm christopher cañares.. my friends call me tope, chris, tomo... whatever...😉
i'm married, blessed with 2 handsome kids... i'm a working student.. yes that's right.. i go to school during the day... then i work at night...
that's what i call "reaching for my dreams while making both ends meet." can be draining and exhausting at times but i'm getting by...

i'm pretty much into sports. i love basketball the most, been playing balls aaaaaalllll my life.. and now my sons love it too! i can play other sports too but not so into them as much as i am into basketball.

i am a christian.. although as they say, still a baby christian.. but if there's one thing that i am quite certain about, it is that i have a God who loves me and my family immensely!!!

well... that pretty much sums up my life right now... almost.. plus the fact that...
i love good food, my family wants to dine out every now and then... coffee for me is life (esp during exams), i like adventures, nature, the beach... and ofcourse Malling.. yeah i love malling alot... (ok fine, i don't, my wife does, that leaves me with no choice)...


Yeah thats right.. basketball is life..

Thank you sir lopezdacruz

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