in #introduceyourself3 years ago (edited)


Hey guys.

Uhmmm...I believe one of the hardest questions to ask a person is the infamous "tell me about yourself". Somehow, you just go blank like you are not the one who has been living in your body for the past something-something years. Sigh. Well, it's a necessary question and difficult as it is, I'm going to answer it.

Hmmm. Where to start. Do y'all want to hear about my odd quirks first? Or my totally anything-but-normal-but really-fun-and-they-love-God-so-I-stick-with-them-friends? Or my projects? Or my walk with God? Oh okay, I'll give you the boring details first. Curriculum vitae style. Then again, I doubt if there's anything relatively boring about me. Except the fact that I'm a nerd. There's too much drama going on in my life for it to be tagged as boring. So hard pass. Alright guys, let's get right into it (in my best YouTube vlogger voice).

But before I get into it, prepare for some complications. You see, things about me are not always straightforward. I don't mean that in a bad way though; it's the reason why there's a lot of drama going on with me. It's also the reason why a lot of things, down to my own name is not exactly a one-way street. Okay, let's get into it. For real this time.

My name is Chimdiogo Nsude. I'm a recovering lazy natural (I'm a lot more hardworking and committed to caring for my natural hair these days), who loves crime thrillers, crime documentaries, Liam Neeson movies and tries to avoid Hollywood. I also love God (real big on Him) and the letter J (don't ask me why; it might be revealed in due time). I'm currently 21 years old and some; and I'm also a law student at the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. I was just going to say I'm from Enugu State, but I'll put it out there and say that I'm from Nsukka. A lot of people seem to trip over air when they get to know that bit of information about me. Apparently, I don't look like what I am. In case you are wondering what I am again that's causing such commotion, I just said it two sentences ago, you might want to read that again.

Here's the thing about my name that's complicated (what were you expecting? I told y'all they'd be complications), My birth name is Chimdiogo, but on my documents from ages ago, my name has been spelt with the 'M' missing. So you have a 'Chidiogo Nsude', rather than a 'Chimdiogo Nsude'. Plus over the years, I've been called quite a lot including, 'Chidi' (I think my Dad probably still hangs on to a secret wish that I was a boy anytime he calls me this. I don't know why though. He has two sons already, and frankly, I'm way too girly for anyone to mistake me for a boy. I promise you, even my eyebrows get girly on their own accord), 'Diogo', 'Chim', 'Chim Chim', 'Chi', 'Chimdeeee!' (I told y'all earlier that my friends aren't exactly normal), 'Chimdie', 'Chimlive' (yes, yes, what you're reading is real). Finally the name I love and most people call me is 'Chimdi'. You can call me that too. Thankfully nobody has called me 'Chi Chi' yet, but I'm not holding my breath on that one. People can be amazingly bold and disrespectful.

Now that we have unraveled the knot around my name, I'll just summarize the whole gist. In official settings including academic matters, my name is Chidiogo Nsude. But everywhere else, including with writing, I'm Chimdiogo Nsude. T for thanks.

I sell oil perfumes on and off, but currently, I'm on. Business is booming. Thank you. I'm a writer through and through and I'm passionate about young people and their spiritual, emotional and mental well-being. I like to write speculative fiction — you know, superhero, DC, Marvel kinda stuff, and definitely Harry Potter kinda stuff — with an African theme and African characters. I also like to do design (graphics) and I'm fascinated with programming. Note: I said fascinated with programming, not that I'm a pro (yet); I can safely qualify as an amateur in Python. Datacamp has been helping my life.

I love to read books, not school books by the way. I'm not that zealous. But then again, I have to open those at some point. After all, studying law is not for the week. Sorry, I meant 'weak'. Oh my goodness, English gets hard; kindly pardon my blunder.

So uhmmm, hobbies? I like to think that I can crochet because my younger sister can. I love to think that I can play volleyball. I love running and track events generally I guess. I love journaling, cooking and watching DC animation and Netflix animation films. Has anyone here watched Yasuke?
I know y'all might crucify me, but I'll take the chance. I'm not really into anime. I'm not into it at all. But I enjoyed watching 'Seven Deadly Sins' and I might consider watching 'Attack On Titans'. Sometimes, I frankly prefer documentaries and YouTube to anything else because Hollywood movies scar me. Call me a big baby, but yeah, I don't do well with profanity and vulgarity. And Hollywood is packed with it so I'll take a hard pass. Doesn't mean I don't give them a chance once in a while, but I'm likely to screen through to ensure that I'm safe before I snuggle up to the movie.

I appreciate art and creativity a lot. And I like the baby girl life, which is why I dey try make some money make I afford myself. My body no like suffering at all.

I love music! I mostly listen to gospel music. Gospel rap, hip hop, country, highlife, pop, soul, as long as its gospel, I'm down for it, my gee.

I think I'll stop here already. I haven't told y'all about my weird quirks or my crazy friends or my faith walk yet, but this post is getting too long. I guess I'd have to write a sequel to this introductory post.

So I got to know about STEEMIT from my guys @rexxalo and @harryel. Special shoutout to them. Uhmm @alphafx is also my buddy but we're kinda on and off. You see, it's good to have some unstable friendships so you can test your own stability and balance. I don't know what I'm talking about either but I hope it makes sense to you somehow.

Why STEEMIT? Well, I already told y'all I have this dream of finally been able to afford myself. Money can do that. Besides, I love writing. I always have. That's a major reason why I'm studying Law anyways (even though you'd think that I should have considered English and Literary Studies instead. No thank you, Sir/Ma'am).

I have a bunch of work going on I'm looking to publish. Novels. That's how much I love writing. If I can earn from what I love doing, how cool is that? Really really super-duper cool if you ask me.

Well, this is my intro. So how to end this really long autobiography-ish? Well...ugh, let's just do it this way guys.
(Drops mic and leaves stage).

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