Hello Steemit Community! This is My introductory post, Lets get to know each other.steemCreated with Sketch.

First of all, this is my first post on steemit and I’m super excited about telling you how I ended up here.So much talk recently about crypto currencies all over the world especially when bitcoin reached 19 thousand dollars I think. My curiosity led me googling it to see and understand what do people talk about, and one of many websites I entered and got attached very quickly was steemit.

My name is SIMO and I’m from Morocco, such a beautiful country you must visit. I’m 29 years old; I’m into giving reinforcement English courses, besides that, I’m interested in computer sciences also, reskin android apps, and I hope in the near future learning from you all here on steemit about crypto currencies and how to benefit the most of it.

Have I mentioned that I love to cook yet? Because I do, cooking one among many hobbies I have, in particular Moroccan food such as TAJIN.In addition to that I love watching movies a lot and the one I enjoyed recently was “the secret book of Henry” I strongly recommend it, Furthermore, I like reading books about self improvement and I advise you reading “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill cause it is an inspirational one and helped me a lot.

To sum up, My passion and curiosity about crypto currencies have eventually brought me to Steemit, but I find this place more of a social interaction platform with bright future, rather than financial investment tool, so I hope you follow and comment my posts and help me push myself out of my comfort zone and put some plans into action. Stay tuned for my next post.


Welcome, Simo.

Given your background skillset, I'm sure that you could adapt to gain a lot from both Steemit specifically and cryptocurrencies more generally.

thank you for your comment i appreciate that

Welcome aboard, brother @chatitsimo :) I'd love to visit Morocco, one day, and consider your cuisine superior to ours (Egypt). Best of luck on Steemit, meeting people. (Dunno about that vincentb tag, though...)

thank you @yahialababidi for your comment.first of all you are so welcome in Morocco any time.and about that tag.its about a group of people upvoting it every day.i found about it on youtube

Kind of you to say... ISA, one day... (Yes, I’m familiar with YouTube video, not sure it’s the best idea, but good luck 👍🏼

Great minds think alike. I also used that crypto image for my intro post!

**thank you for your comment ** it was the only image i liked the most on my searching for one.

Welcome to steemit! Would be great if bitcoin was still at 19K it plunged down to under 10K today! ;)

Nice intro!
Upvoted and followed!

unfortunately, Thank you so much for your comment.follow back elleok

welcome to the community , hope u will have good time here
we can follow each other if you want

yes of course thank you for your comment

welcome, for encouragement I will follow you something that I hope you do too!

already done, Thank you for your comment

Hi SIMO. :)

Welcome to steemit @chatitsimo. Join #minnowsupportproject for more help. Type in the comments of a post @OriginalWorks and it will help you verify that content is original.
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