Today I am on birthday and I want to share with you in the community "happy birthday" for me jejeje

"Today is a very special day for me"

After two months belonging to this great community, for the first time I will perform my #introducedyourself jejejeje.

My name is Carlos, Venezuelan soybean from the Andean region, specifically the Trujillo state, CURRENTLY residing in the City of Maracaibo, Known as "the Land of the Beloved Sun" a beautiful city distinguished by its warm climate A Temperature In normal days 38 * DO. This city is also very well-known for possessing v The most beautiful women of the Country, good in my Opinion in any Region of Venezuela Their son spectacularly beautiful women.

Today I am turning 28 years old and I want to share with all steemians this publication.

I can not say that I feel happy for this day, because in reality it is not like that, because what I most want is that the beautiful homeland this seek and without this passing through all these difficult moments tanned, good I will not talk about the real situation, This time I want to tell you my interests as I dedicate my part to belonging to steemit.

I am a student of bachelor's degree in pure physics from the University of Zulia, in my career I perform in the area of ​​Semiconductor Compounds, the UN Study Very important a Global Level That a future we will obtain: Many benefits of them in the Technological area.

Here UN study partner took me unawares A photo WHILE elaborating my writing for steemit xd

Aside I teach DIVERSIFIED EDUCATION at the United Nations College, playing as a professor of Physics and Mathematics, something that I am passionate about, "eye" not study To be a teacher, Scientist I am a type Albert Einstein hahaha: p

Soy passionate to soccer, I practice it and I have many Knowledge of wave, of Vinotinto Heart and blood Aurimarron, that is to say "Fanatic of the Selection of Venezuela and Trujillanos FC" and World-wide follower number one of Real Madrid and I know that For This I will lose votes, since Many will go to hahahaha also Barca

I am very familiar I spend a lot of time With my parents and my sisters and above all I have a single love, the most beautiful and pure love that can exist That is my daughter "Sophia" My treasure, my eyes, my inspiration, my life, my All, I love her with all my Forces.

And well already the majority knows me In this community to share news, images, videos of the Current Situation of Venezuela, and I hope to Continue Sharing much more And That evil: subjects like and catch their attention, from While I Will Continue Fighting for My Country , For the future of my daughter and all the inhabitants of this country so beautiful, and also for all the Venezuelans emigrated That, That it is very well That DeSean return and live in their land, for all They and We will continue in full fight.

Thank you to give me this steemit for Linda OPPORTUNITY And to be part of you and to All My Followers and those who do not, thousands of Blessings And I hope that steemit will contribute you MANY Positive Things in Your Life and fill you with miles of satisfactions.



Happy Birthday Brother! Wish the best of the best and lots of $$$ and of course health :-)

Many thanks friends for your good wishes and your blessings, same for you :)

Welcome to Steemit :)
I follow u, follow me back if u want lot of fun and amazing picture every day.

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Happy Birthday Carlos!
(I'm quite impressed with the pure Physics)

Thank you and good that you like what I study is a beautiful and interesting career

Happy blessed birthday Carlos :)

Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.

Thank you so much for your congratulations

Happy birthday to you. Have a blissful celebration.
You can find some really interesting yummy and nutritious recipes to try on your birthday via @GLOBALFOODBOOK

Thank you very much for your blog

you are welcome

Happy Birthday 1 hour left

Congrats, Carlos, you've been featured on
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I am following, upvoting and featuring you.
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Thank you very much for your congratulations and good wishes

Hope it was a good one and your year is the best ever! Steem all your glad you are with us.

muchas gracias :)

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