Hello everybody!

in #introduceyourself4 years ago

I finally got my password and now I can steem :)
At first my name is Ljubica. I'm from Serbia.
I like traveling, reading and learning new things, especially new languages. I finished University of Law, but beside that, my passion is raising flowers, visiting European cities and reading books about psychology.


This is my short intruduce post, you will meet me better through my next topics.

Thank you for stepping by to see my profile!


Welcome Ljubica let me know if you need help

Thank you :)

Welcome to steemit @bubica.

Welcome the new steemians. Have a great day!

Thank you!

Dobro nam došla @bubica! :) Uspešno stimovanje ti želim! :)

Hvala puno :* :)

Dobro došla Ljubice! :)

Hvala puno :)

Srećnog blogovanja želim😀

Hvala od srca :)

Hello @bubica, Welcome to the steemit community!

Thank you!

Добро нам дошла, @bubica!

Hvala!!! :)

Pozdrav, Ljubice :)
Dobili ste glas od zajednice Team Serbia koja je formirana radi podrške našim autorima.
Za više informacija o našem radu i radi druženja sa ostalim članovima, posetite nas na našem discord serveru https://discord.gg/8ynKhMd

Hvala puno! :)

Welcome to the community! I'm new as well, I'll give you a follow and look forward to your posts.

Thank you very much! Good luck :)

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