May the blockchain release us from our chains. Is that ironic?

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hi there, my name is Brennan and I'm here to pick up attractive women :| What? Can't a guy be honest?

Haha, just kidding...

Actually, I'm a concerned global citizen. First of all, Facebook has grown too large and suspicious. And I can't trust Zuckerberg. Maybe it's because of how much he sweats during his interviews. Well, to be fair, I would probably be sweating too. Then the Snowden documents were released, and that was the last straw. I deleted my Facebook account... Then a year later I recreated it because I really missed my friends. Such a mess... Can't find a solution, until now?

Not only that, but after watching the documentary Zeitgeist many moons ago, my eyes were opened to the corrupt banking system that has their chains wrapped around the entire world. After the financial crisis hit in 2008, I started to dig more into how money works and what caused the meltdown. I was flabbergasted that the banks were allowed to get away with what happened. Not one executive was prosecuted. Then Obama came into power promising change and left all the same people in charge. Like, seriously? I'm a Canadian, but that really pissed me off. I also think it's unfair what we're doing to future generations by enslaving them with debt and destroying the environment.

I'm ashamed to say that I never really looked into Bitcoin until last year, after I finally quit my corporate job. It started to dawn on me that the solution to this unsustainable system could very well be the blockchain. It could lead us to world that's more free, open, and transparent. And perhaps one that's more chaotic and interesting :)

I consider myself to be an open-minded person. I spent six months in Thailand just wandering about, spent three in Mexico (see pic), and been to Japan a few times. I love meeting new people that think in radically different ways. I've already read some really interesting posts on Steemit, so this is great! Also, I love the idea of having a truly open and transparent social media platform, where people actually get rewarded for their content. I'll be inviting my friends :)

P.S. PM me if you are an attractive woman. How do PMs work here anyway? Haha just kidding! ... :|

Image of Yaktocat


imgur currently isn't working with Steemit. Personally I have had luck with

Awesome. Thanks for the tip :)

Welcome! :)

And don't worry when your friends don't move over with you yet. It will not be long until the most important features you need to stay connected will be available here too. Private messages are in development already.

try this:

Thanks, appreciate that. Still didn't work though :(
I ended up uploaded it to and that seemed to do the trick.

You are reading my mind .. The masses will be awakened!

I've been waiting since 2011! Feels like a long time...

Dude, awesome post! It's crazy how many like minded people you can find online. I followed a trajectory similar to yours, Zeitgeist Addendum also knocked my eyeballs back when i saw the whole process of fractional reserve banking. I too wandered around in Asia for a while and i share your concern for the future of this planet/species of ours. Technology seems to be the only viable solution capable of bringing about real change. Thanks for sharing dude!

Thanks for your comment! I watched all three of the Zeitgeist documentaries, and it took me a while to wrap my head around the idea of all money being debt, and the fractional reserve banking system. Mike Maloney has a good video on YouTube called "The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind" that makes it easier to understand. Then getting up to speed with Bitcoin, the Blockchain, and Ethereum takes a lot of time too! Still working on it... But so excited about all of it :D

Re: "Technology seems to be the only viable solution capable of bringing about real change..."

I think there's a key distinction to be made regarding this statement - in that is technology that may serve as a TOOL that can assist in enabling us to bring about change; however, it's still only a tool - just as the tool of a knife can be used to prepare a meal or kill a man, or electricity can power a city or kill a person...

The real change will be brought about via the consciousness with which we are able to more wisely & constructively use the tools we have access to. Blockchain potential is MASSIVE - though neutral and powerless within/of itself. It's the vision, knowledge, insight, and creative power of those building applications upon that will bring the change, not the tech itself.

And interestingly, the tech development is a sort of reflection of our consciousness development - the solutions built on it only possible because they first existed in our imaginations... :-)

Can't seem to embed my picture (I've failed!)... Well, here's a link to it anyway

imgur is blocking almost all social media ...
and paste your image link (must be https)

I'm ashamed to say that I never really looked into Bitcoin until last year, after I finally quit my corporate job. It started to dawn on me that the solution to this unsustainable system could very well be the blockchain. It could lead us to world that's more free, open, and transparent. And perhaps one that's more chaotic and interesting :)

Welcome home buddy :-)

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