Overcoming Anxiety, Depression and OCD

Introducing the start of my new self:

I hope you will forgive for using the second time 'introduceyourself' tag, but I needed to share something.

  • For a while I've been running away from my problems and refusing to face them. Not anymore! I am a woman who suffers from (as my title obviously says) several disorders.

  • Finding inner peace was always hard for me, I was always easily distracted and was always introspective in a negative way. And the the high-school came... I wasn't bullied don't get me wrong, but it was painful. I didn't find anyone who can understand me and it was frustrating, all my friendships were shallow and fragile (I understand I was partially to blame). Boys didn't interest me and sincerely neither I did them ( again, my blame ). I didn't understand what was wrong with me.

  • And then at the end of high-school i visited a psychiatrist, and he diagnose me. I started taking the prescribed medications and for a while everything was fine, but something was lacking. I started learning programming and got interested in Computer Science, and currently I'm attending college where I'm learning CS. But still something is lacking.

  • That's why I'm starting this blog, where I won't be sharing any intimate details about myself, as there will be pretty personal things written. I hope to get opinions on my problems, and make friends.

  • To start my journey, I started practicing mediation (just for a few minutes, as I can't last for a long time yet ), as i heard of the many benefits regarding it.

  • Tell my in the comments how to overcome this disorders, any tip would greatly help me.


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