Introduce myself properly

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys so i did a little introduction about me when i first started but this is a little more about me and my story

So im currently 26 years old and living in Melbourne Australia where ive grown up and resided all my life.
I have 1 brother and 1 sister and my parents are divorced. they seperated when i was about 11 years of age due to my father cheating on my mother and from what i believe being abusive as well. Ive never got on well with my dad but we do have a relationship now, albeit fairly strained. My mum, well shes pretty amazing to be honest. shes incredibly bubbly and has a deep love for animals that we both share. if youve seen any of my earlier posts i talk about how she now runs a glamping and wildlife rescue in northern victoria in a small tourist town called beechworth where she has all manner of critters from baby emus to a salt water crocodile... yes she has a pet cocodile haha.

I began working at the age of 14 whilst at school, i was bullied throughout high school though not for any particular reason, i wasnt ugly or overweight, i wasnt stupid or annoying (subjective i guess :P) but a small group of people seemed to dislike me a fair bit and made life at school pretty shitty. I was also never a huge fan of authority figures and always believed the schooling system and standardised tests where fairly bs.
at the age of 15 i dropped out of school and worked fulltime at a supermarket until i was 18 when i found a plumbing apprenticship. I also met my first long term girlfriend at this time. I had actually been living out of home since 17 due to a crappy relationship with my mum brought on by myself and ended up living in my car whilst working full time until i turned 20. living in your car is pretty crappy but it beats being out on the street without anything to even cover you from the elements. In australia the minimum wage is around $12 an hr unless you do an apprenticeship which is $6 an hour.

I ended up leaving plumbing to pursue more money when i got sick of living in a car and my girlfriend cheated on me which ended our relationship. I moved into a sharehouse with 8 other random people and it was incredibly toxic but also very fun. we took alot of drugs and drank alot and essentially just partied non stop. police would be sent to the house paramedics had to come on a few occasions due to overdoses and suicidal people. One day we picked magic mushrooms and went on a bender for 4 days which ended up with one of best friends at the time in a psych ward because he tried to jump in front of a train. Like i said it was a pretty toxic environment and not good for anyones mental or physical health but we were young and dumb and having fun.

I finally got my first proper job building pools but my boss turned out to be a psychopath so i moved on to building greenhouses. weird and dangerous job being so high up without a harness but the pay was amazing and i was finally starting to feel like i was getting somewhere. after a year i was offered a promotion by my bosses boss which i declined because it meant alot more work an responsibility. that turned out to be a huge mistake as unbeknownst to me my boss had a gambling problem and had been in prison for fraud, he ended up not being able to pay us and dissapeared off the face of the earth so again i was left jobless.
I bummed around in part time jobs for a while until i found my current position as a fence builder. I worked hard as i always have and my boss noticed and gave me 2 pay rises in a year and a promotion the next year to supervisor where i began running my own team, i also adopted my rabbit and cat onyx and bella respectively around this time and theyre just so damn cute.

Last year i had to take 6 months off work after being diagnosed with severe generalised anxiety which made it difficult to breathe, although i still debate their diagnosis we havent found anything else to be the cause of this.
I've been a full time marijuanna smoker for over 5 years but have recently quit as it is draining my bank account faster than a fat person in an inflatable pool and am hoping to give up cigarettes on the asap as well. My recently ex girlfriend has been an amazing help in quitting weed and has always been so supportive of me, weve recently broken up due to no fault of hers but i have alot of personal issues to work on and i can completely understand where she is coming from. were still very close and one day hope to get our relationship back together but for now were taking it 1 step at a time.

My goals in life are fairly simple, i want to run multiple business's that make me an almost passive income, im currently working on 3-4 fields of these whilst i continue my supervisory role in fencing. Once im making enough money to support it without putting all my time to working i plan to open an animal rescue for abused/neglected cats dogs and basically anything else and hopefully ill be able to run it in conjunction with my mums wildlife rescue. It will take alot of work to get where i want but you dont get something for nothing and im hoping by age 40 ill be able to retire on my rescue sanctuary and spend my time with my animals and my family.

I'm not really sure what im hoping to get out of Steemit, a slightly passive income would be nice but more importantly i guess i want to find like minded people and a good community, as well as spread awareness for animals.

My experience here has been good so far and as the Steem family grows i hope to make some good friends and learn some cool shit as well as teach other people some cool shit i know. I've been described as highly intelligent and sometimes i feel like a sponge that just absorbs information, other times i feel like a brick wall and everything just bounces off lol. hopefully we can all teach each other something and learn from each other and work to make the world a better place. Lets not be naive and think we can fix the world but every good deed is one step closer and so long as you stand in the face of adversity and put in 110% you will always find a way to acheive your goals.

Any how if you somehow have managed to read all this way without getting bored and giving up i appreciate that :)
I'm not the most interesting person but i have my moments, i wish everyone all the best and hopefully we can get to know each other a bit more.

If you enjoy anything i post please upvote and follow me and if theres anything you would like to see let me know and ill see what i can do.

Otherwise have a good night from here in Melbourne and i wish you all the best on your endeavours.
Full Steam ahead Steemians :D



Welcome to steemit

thanks mate :) im enjoying it so far. have a good day

Welcome to Steem @bigdizzle91 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

aww thank you, much appreciated. love the name btw haha botty mcbotface

G'day @bigdizzle91! How are you? Welcome to the platform :]

im good, thanks :) hope youre having a good time

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Hello @bigdizzle91 welcome to Steemit . Maybe your post may not immediately get a lot of upvoted but I believe your continued hard work and effort will makes you success. Follow me @stanley888 Thank you

how could i not follow a south park enthusiast :P

Welcome :)!


Here a few tips for starters snce you probably won't get any advice from those who comment under here, here's what I gathered thus far.
It's tough to make money at first so if that's your main cause to be on here grind that into your head straight away, that doesn't mean you shouldn't post content, you should, but enganging with others in the comment sections to grow your following is your best bet. Which categories?

Probably the introduce yourself one and the photography section but you can choose things that you have knowledge about too and then go from there just know that there is a lot of crap on here so plowing through that just to connect with others can be tough. Cheers.

hey mate, thanks for the tips, making money is never a bad thing but not my main interest here. I like the community so far and i havent been met with any toxicity like you often do in facebook comment sections etc. i guess im just here to have fun and post about stuff that interests me (mostly animals haha) and you know if i make a dollar here or there thats never a bad thing right? :P

Welcome to Steemit.,,, follow me

wealth come to steemit, Feel relax here is a community that relates to each other and learn more of what you like

thank you :) it does seem like an awesome community thus far

Look who's here ^^ Bigdizzle91, Let me welcome you to Steemit. Hope you gonna have fun with our community. Feel free to follow me @rightuppercorner Have a great time @rightuppercorner

have just started following you mate :) have a good one

Hi. welcome :-) nice cat

heya, thanks, she pretty cute

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