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RE: Hello there !! I am Ivan a archaeologist, tourist guide in Croatia and this is my first post on Steemit

Ivan! Oh my, everything about this post is perfect, haha. That's amazing that you speak so many languages! I am somewhat fluent in Spanish, and I am trying to learn German, but it has been...rough, haha.

Also, you had me at Game of Thrones! Man I am always blown away by the places they shoot. There hasn't been a place yet (other than the scenes beyond the wall) that I haven't liked! You have to show us ALL the pictures! Just keep 'em coming, and I will be happy!

You are an archeologist too? Man, that's super awesome. I can't wait to see your future posts! Welcome!


Thank you very much! For the encouragement and yea german is a tough language to learn don t give up. I am trying to learn italian with an app its going pretty well so far.

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