Introduceyourself n Introducemyself and @bittrex's Calamity**

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemit,,,!!!


My name is muhibbuddin waly and name my account @bawangmerah230. I live at a small town lhohseumawe, Aceh Sumatra. I was 18 years. height 173 centimeters and my weight 50 kg.

I heard the steemit from my brother @boyasyie, he continued to invite me to join this incredible platform. Every day my brother always insists until I obey him. I do not know anything with this platform how it works. But my brother said

Do not ask a lot to continue to learn little by little. Later you will definitely enjoy it.


My brother also said if you want a brighter future then investasilah here. Incidentally I have a little savings that I keep from ever since I was in high school and from my brother's explanation in such a way I immediately bought steem as much as 423 steem from people closest to me.

Then my brother also explained that for now if buying the lease rights of the delegation is very profitable for now. Because the price of sbd is soaring high. So I follow @minnowbooster and @blocktrades.

Next I send to @minnowbooster as many as 266,667 steem in order to get the right use for the delegation of 10.000 sp with the usage period for four weeks. Three days later my steam was returned because the delegation market was being overrun by many people.

Then I sent 306 more steems by making a higher offer so that my delegation request can be granted.

After that I made another strategy that is registering to @blocktrades and I see there also see the limit for zero delegate rendering. And I read the new post @blocktrades that the leasing of the delegate order is still accepted with the waiting time of the turn. And I immediately took the memo @blocktrades to send the rest of my steem to him as much as 106 steem.

About a day later I sent a message via email @blocktrades to just know the progress of my order. Understandably, this is because I just joined on this platform. About a few hours later the party @blocktrades reply to my message and I am very happy.

Then three days after the second order on @minnowbooster, my steam is returned a second time. This really frustrates me and can not think what to do

Bittrex Is A Disaster For My Future In Steemit.

After my steem was returned by @minnowbooster for the second time I consulted with my brother's colleague @owner99. He often trades with @bittrex to melt sbd and steem.

One night about three days ago I sent my steem to the @bittrex account by writing a sbd memo and not telling @ owner99 first. After I send the new steam 317 steem then I put him.

Some what anxiously @owner99 said to me via WA message that,

What have you done @bawangmerah230 ,,? every coin in Crypto has each memo. You have mistakenly made a memo for your steem coins. The memo you wrote is a memo for sbd coins. Do not play games with you, that's a huge amount for now. It may not be processed anymore. Because it is a weakness that exists in @bittrex.

I have made a very stupid mistake. Though the delivery of steam that I want melted aims to pay my family's debts are very much and have matured at the end of this know. This is a disaster for me.

Next I thought to send a message via email to @bittrex and they replied with no clarity to be able to make the process of it. following the contents of email messages :

##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (819947) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.

Due to an unprecedented amount of growth we are experiencing a longer than normal wait time resolving customer requests. We apologize greatly for this extended wait and would like to inform you that we are addressing this issue as quickly possible.

We are actively training new personnel and streamlining our processes to better handle the increased demand. Specifically, in the next week, Bittrex will be more than doubling our current support staff to handle the growth. The hiring of support agents will continue until we can provide the support our customers expect.

What can you do to help expedite a response from us?

  • Duplicate tickets often slow down our agents and their ability to assist our customers. If you submitted two or more tickets for the same issue we kindly ask that you close the newer tickets, leaving your oldest ticket open.
    • Using the proper form when submitting a support request is very important. Oftentimes the wrong form can lead to a wrong response and unfortunate delays in solving your tickets.
    • If your issue has already been solved, please login to and delete any duplicate or outstanding tickets. Doing so will greatly enhance our ability to assist other customers.

We understand that waiting can be frustrating and we appreciate your patience and understanding while we scale our support team to handle the increased demand.

Please make sure to look for your issue in our FAQ. If you find the answer to your issue, please make sure to reply to this email stating that your issue has been resolved.


How to Deposit -

How to withdraw -

USDT/FIAT and Margin -

Troubleshoot/remove/disable two-factor -

How do I trade? This video shows you how to deposit and buy coins

For quick trades, you can also use the blue down arrows next to buy or sell orders to directly buy or sell to those orders.

What are the fees at Bittrex?

To add additional comments, reply to this email.

Dec 20, 20:40 PST

hi bittrex,
I made a steem delivery of 317 Steem to my bittrex account yesterday, but I wrote the memo address. What I write is a memo for SBD coins and not a memo for a coin steem.
Please help me... I hope your can help my issue

This email is a service from Bittrex Support. Delivered by Zendesk.
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (819947) has been solved. To reopen this request, reply to this email or click the link below:

We'd love to hear what you think of our customer service. Please take a moment to answer one simple question by clicking either link below:

How would you rate the support you received?

Good, I'm satisfied

Bad, I'm unsatisfied

Here's a reminder of what your ticket was about:

Dec 20, 21:27 PST

  • Name of the coin = Steem
  • Name of the coin you accidentally coins to Steem
  • Address you sent the coin to = 6b45c383976b4a3c852
  • Transaction ID = @bawangmerah230
  • The current US Dollar Equivalent amount of these coins = 317 Steem

Dec 20, 21:03 PST

what should I do, will I lose my steam, just because of a memo error?

Bittrex Support Team (Bittrex Support)
Dec 20, 20:41 PST

Hi [email protected],

When sending coins to or from Bittrex you must make sure that you always send the coins to an address that is specifically for that coin. This means that BTC must be sent to a BTC address, LTC to an LTC address, ETH to an ETH address, this holds true for all coins on Bittrex. If you have sent your coins to another coins address these coins may be recoverable, but may not be recoverable as well.

Please review Bittrex's Crosschain Recover Policy for further details -

Please make sure to provide the following if you have not already.

Name of the coin you sent
Name of the coin you accidentally your coins to
Address you sent the coin to
Transaction ID
The current US Dollar Equivalent amount of these coins
Best Regards,

Bittrex Support Team @ Bittrex
Follow us on Twitter @

Dec 20, 20:40 PST

hi bittrex,
I made a steem delivery of 317 Steem to my bittrex account yesterday, but I wrote the memo address. What I write is a memo for SBD coins and not a memo for a coin steem.
Please help me... I hope your can help my issue

This email is a service from Bittrex Support. Delivered by Zendesk.

And then I also send a message to sending 0001 steem to @bittrex.

And until now there has been no reply from @bittrex. @bittrex has been the worst experience in my hudup. I will keep this in mind.

After that incident has happened to me, then by step through this #introduceyourself I hope to be a solution for my steem return. I look forward to the developer character on this platform in order to help me.

I have selected several witnesses in this platform such as :

@jesta, @roelandp, @gtg, @blocktrades, @curie, @steemgigs, @timcliff, @goodkarma, @ausbitbank, @neoxian, @pharesim, @netuoso, @timsaid, @jerrybanfield, @teamsteem, @aggroed, @mahdiyari. I also added another very social figure like @surpassinggoogle.

I really hope that the characters I have mentioned above can help me in overcoming this. This is really very serious for me. I can not do much.

Perhaps this is all I can say just #introduceyourself. Signed @bawangmerah230


Introduceyourself n Introducemyself and @bittrex's Calamity

Hai steemit,,,!!!


Nama saya Muhibbuddin Waly dan nama akun saya @bawangmerah230. Saya tinggal disebuah kota kecil Lhokseumawe, Aceh Sumatra. Saya berumur 18 tahun. Tinggi badan 173 cm dan berat badan saya 50 kg.

Saya mendengar steemit dari abang saya @boyasyie, beliau terus mengajak saya agar mau bergabung dengan platform yang sangat luar biasa ini. Setiap hari abang saya selalu memaksa hingga saya menurutinya. Saya tidak tahu apa-apa dengan platform ini bagaimana cara kerjanya. Tapi kata abang saya

Jangan banyak tanya teruskan saja untuk mempelajari sedikit demi sedikit. Nanti kamu pasti akan menikmatinya.


Abang saya juga bilang kalau mau masa depanmu lebih cerah maka investasilah disini. Kebetulan saya memiliki sedikit tabungan yang saya simpan dari semenjak saya masih sekolah menengah kebawah, dan dari penjelasan abang saya yang sedemikian rupa oleh saya langsung membeli steem sebanyak 423 steem dari orang-orang terdekat saya.

Kemudian abang saya juga menjelaskan yang bahwa untuk saat ini jikalau membeli hak guna sewa delegasi sungguh sangat menguntungkan untuk saat ini. Karena harga sbd sedang melambung tinggi. Maka saya mengikuti @minnowbooster dan @blocktrades.

Selanjutnya saya kirim ke @minnowbooster sebanyak 266.667 steem supaya bisa mendapat hak guna delegasi sebanyak 10.000 sp dengan masa pemakaian selama empat minggu. Tiga hari kemudian steem saya dikembalikan karena pasar delegasi sedang diserbu banyak orang.

Kemudian saya kirimkan lagi sebanyak 306 steem dengan membuat penawaran lebih tinggi supaya permintaan delegasi saya bisa dikabulkan.

Setelah itu saya membuat strategi lain yaitu mendaftar kepada @blocktrades dan saya melihat disana juga melihat limit untuk pemyewaan delegasi nol. Dan saya membaca postingan @blocktrades yang baru yang bahwa penyewaan order delegasi masih tetap diterima dengan syarat menunggu waktu giliran. Dan saya langsung mengambil memo @blocktrades untuk mengirimkan sisa steem saya kepadanya sebanyak 106 steem.

Sekitar satu hari kemudian saya mengirimkan sebuah pesan melalui email @blocktrades untuk sekedar mengetahui perkembangan tentang order saya. Maklum, hal ini disebabkan oleh karena saya baru bergabung di platform ini. Sekitar beberapa jam kemudian pihak @blocktrades mebalas pesan saya dan saya sangat senang.

Kemudian tiga hari setelah order yang kedua pada @minnowbooster, steem saya dikembalikan lagi untuk kedua kalinya. Hal ini sungguh membuat saya frustasi dan tidak bisa berpikir ingin berbuat apa.

Bittrex Merupakan Bencana Bagi Masa Depan Saya Di Steemit.

Setelah steem saya dikembalikan oleh @minnowbooster untuk yang kedua kalinya saya melakukan konsultasi dengan rekan abang saya yaitu @owner99. Beliau sering melakukan transaksi dengan @bittrex untuk mencairkan sbd dan steem.

Pada suatu malam sekitar tiga hari yang telah lalu saya mengirimkan steem saya ke akun @bittrex dengan menulis memo sbd dan tidak memberi tahukan @owner99 terlebih dahulu. Setelah saya kirim sabanyak 317 steem selanjutnya baru saya memberi tahukan dia.

Dengan agak gelisah @owner99 berkata kepada saya lewat pesan WA yang bahwa,

Apa yang telah kamu lakukan @bawangmerah230,,? setiap koin di Crypto mempunyai memonya masing-masing. Anda telah salah membuat memo untuk koin steem anda. Memo yang anda tulis adalah memo untuk koin sbd. Jangan main-main kamu, itu jumlah yang sangat banyak untuk saat ini. Itu kemungkinan tidak bisa diproses lagi. Karena itu adalah suatu kelemahan yang ada pada @bittrex.

Saya telah membuat kesalahan yang sangat bodoh. Padahal pengiriman steem yang ingin saya cairkan tersebut bertujuan untuk membayar hutang keluarga saya yang sangat banyak dan telah jatuh tempo pada akhir tahun ini. Ini suatu malapetaka bagi saya.

Selanjutnya saya berpikir untuk mengirimkan pesan melalui email untuk @bittrex dan mereka membalas dengan tidak punya kejelasan untuk bisa membuat proses hal itu.

Dengan agak gelisah @owner99 berkata kepada saya lewat pesan WA yang bahwa,

Apa yang telah kamu lakukan @bawangmerah230,,? setiap koin di Crypto mempunyai memonya masing-masing. Anda telah salah membuat memo untuk koin steem anda. Memo yang anda tulis adalah memo untuk koin sbd. Jangan main-main kamu, itu jumlah yang sangat banyak untuk saat ini. Itu kemungkinan tidak bisa diproses lagi. Karena itu adalah suatu kelemahan yang ada pada @bittrex.

Saya telah membuat kesalahan yang sangat bodoh. Padahal pengiriman steem yang ingin saya cairkan tersebut bertujuan untuk membayar hutang keluarga saya yang sangat banyak dan telah jatuh tempo pada akhir tahu ini. Ini suatu malapetaka bagi saya.

Selanjutnya saya berpikir untuk mengirimkan pesan melalui email untuk @bittrex dan mereka membalas dengan tudak punya kejelasan untuk bisa membuat proses hal itu. Berikut isi pesannya :

##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (819947) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.

Due to an unprecedented amount of growth we are experiencing a longer than normal wait time resolving customer requests. We apologize greatly for this extended wait and would like to inform you that we are addressing this issue as quickly possible.

We are actively training new personnel and streamlining our processes to better handle the increased demand. Specifically, in the next week, Bittrex will be more than doubling our current support staff to handle the growth. The hiring of support agents will continue until we can provide the support our customers expect.

What can you do to help expedite a response from us?

  • Duplicate tickets often slow down our agents and their ability to assist our customers. If you submitted two or more tickets for the same issue we kindly ask that you close the newer tickets, leaving your oldest ticket open.
    • Using the proper form when submitting a support request is very important. Oftentimes the wrong form can lead to a wrong response and unfortunate delays in solving your tickets.
    • If your issue has already been solved, please login to and delete any duplicate or outstanding tickets. Doing so will greatly enhance our ability to assist other customers.

We understand that waiting can be frustrating and we appreciate your patience and understanding while we scale our support team to handle the increased demand.

Please make sure to look for your issue in our FAQ. If you find the answer to your issue, please make sure to reply to this email stating that your issue has been resolved.


How to Deposit -

How to withdraw -

USDT/FIAT and Margin -

Troubleshoot/remove/disable two-factor -

How do I trade? This video shows you how to deposit and buy coins

For quick trades, you can also use the blue down arrows next to buy or sell orders to directly buy or sell to those orders.

What are the fees at Bittrex?

To add additional comments, reply to this email.

Dec 20, 20:40 PST

hi bittrex,
I made a steem delivery of 317 Steem to my bittrex account yesterday, but I wrote the memo address. What I write is a memo for SBD coins and not a memo for a coin steem.
Please help me... I hope your can help my issue

This email is a service from Bittrex Support. Delivered by Zendesk.
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (819947) has been solved. To reopen this request, reply to this email or click the link below:

We'd love to hear what you think of our customer service. Please take a moment to answer one simple question by clicking either link below:

How would you rate the support you received?

Good, I'm satisfied

Bad, I'm unsatisfied

Here's a reminder of what your ticket was about:

Dec 20, 21:27 PST

  • Name of the coin = Steem
  • Name of the coin you accidentally coins to Steem
  • Address you sent the coin to = 6b45c383976b4a3c852
  • Transaction ID = @bawangmerah230
  • The current US Dollar Equivalent amount of these coins = 317 Steem

Dec 20, 21:03 PST

what should I do, will I lose my steam, just because of a memo error?

Bittrex Support Team (Bittrex Support)
Dec 20, 20:41 PST

Hi [email protected],

When sending coins to or from Bittrex you must make sure that you always send the coins to an address that is specifically for that coin. This means that BTC must be sent to a BTC address, LTC to an LTC address, ETH to an ETH address, this holds true for all coins on Bittrex. If you have sent your coins to another coins address these coins may be recoverable, but may not be recoverable as well.

Please review Bittrex's Crosschain Recover Policy for further details -

Please make sure to provide the following if you have not already.

Name of the coin you sent
Name of the coin you accidentally your coins to
Address you sent the coin to
Transaction ID
The current US Dollar Equivalent amount of these coins
Best Regards,

Bittrex Support Team @ Bittrex
Follow us on Twitter @

Dec 20, 20:40 PST

hi bittrex,
I made a steem delivery of 317 Steem to my bittrex account yesterday, but I wrote the memo address. What I write is a memo for SBD coins and not a memo for a coin steem.
Please help me... I hope your can help my issue

This email is a service from Bittrex Support. Delivered by Zendesk.

Dan selanjutnya saya juga mengirimkan pesan ke memonya dengan mengirimkan 0.001 steem kepada @bittrex.

Dan selanjutnya saya juga mengirimkan pesan ke memonya dengan mengirimkan 0.001 steem kepada @bittrex.

Dan sampai saat ini belum ada balasan apa-apa dari @bittrex. @bittrex telah menjadi pengalaman terburuk dalam hudup saya. Saya akan terus mengenang hal ini.

Setelah kejadian tersebut telah menimpa saya, kemudian dengan langkah melalui #introduceyourself ini saya berharap dapat menjadi solusi bagi pengembalian steem saya. Saya berharap kepada tokoh pengembang di platform ini agar bisa membantu saya.

Saya telah memilih beberapa saksi dalam platform ini seperti :

@jesta, @roelandp, @gtg, @blocktrades, @curie, @steemgigs, @timcliff, @goodkarma, @ausbitbank, @neoxian, @pharesim, @netuoso, @curie, @jerrybanfield, @teamsteem, @aggroed, @mahdiyari. Saya juga menambahkan seorang tokoh yang sangat sosial lainnya seperti @surpassinggoogle.

Saya sangat berharap semoga tokoh-tokoh yang telah saya sebutkan diatas bisa membantu saya dalam mengatasi hal ini. Hal ini sungguh sangat serius bagi saya. Saya tidak bisa berbuat banyak.

Mungkin hanya ini yang dapat saya sampaikan sekedar #introduceyourself. Tertanda @bawangmerah230


very long and difficult post to read.

however, if I've understood correctly, you sent Steem to Bittrex with the memo for SBD.

I did the same thing a couple weeks ago. here's my story, with details on the solution:

it might take up to a month to get back, though it's doable.

right sir. I sent a steem by writing a sbd memo. I will read your post now. sorry, I made a rather complicated post to understand. thanks so much sir.

Good luck! 🙏


welcome to steemit @bawangmerah230, best regards..
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊

thanks so much

Very nice bro, keep going with our orientation Science, do innovative and creative in the our base indo-stem. And do not make a trouble with plagiarist. Hope you enjoy in this space. have nice day.

Thanks so much brother

This post has received a 0.14 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Thanks so much

Sorry there isn't much a witness can do about this.

I just hope. and I am very glad you responded to me. this is my experience here. i will keep learning sir. thanks for support.

Thank you for Using #promo-steem tag, Promote steemit by inviting your friends and your family!

Thanks for visit my blog

Hebat, selamat datang adinda

Ya abangku. Terima kasih atas sambutanmu

Saran : bisakah .png or .jpg Line paling diatas dihapus, supaya Covernya terlihat foto intro-dirimu adinda. Karena line yang digunakan bukanlah berupa koding melainkan .jpg 🌿

Akan saya lakukam. Saya juga betpikir begitu

Done.. itu berjalan lancar!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 56446.21
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.17