Hello, already found somethings, now saying Hi

This is not an easy post to do, however I will try. I am using

"The Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide (Revision 2.0)", as my guide to this post.

The first thing I see is:

Rule "01) Don't post and run",

To be honest I really am not sure about it, lots of people just want to talk at people, at anyone that will listen to/or read what they have to say. So they have nothing to say about what others are posting, I have no problem with that, I'll be doing a lot of reading/listening, and it is very doubtful that I will leave a comment on all the different pages that I read or listen to.

Rule "02) Don't over-post":

See above, some people think they have a lot to say and want everyone to know it, if I get bored reading a persons blog, I just move on to the next one. Not everyone is here to see their all mighty wallet grow.

Rule "03) Don't post nudity or graphic imagery unless you tag it with NSFW":

Ah a rule everyone should follow.

Rule "04) Don't be a fake, plagiarise or pass off others' work as your own":

I wish everyone could follow this rule, but we know when it comes to dollars, or making people think you are the smartest cookie in the cookie jar, it just isn't going to happen. People need to hold people accountable for their actions.

Rule "05) Don't engage in tag spamming":

This is definitely a problem I have already seen, however it seems as if nothing is done about it. I will try not to do this.

Rule "06) Don't re-steem everything you see.":

I would think this was a no brain-er, but I guess some people just can not control themselves. I have seen several blogs I would like to follow, however they have so many re-steems, that I can no longer find their blogs.

Rule "07) Don't post unrelated links in comments":

Unrelated links in the comments section of an individuals blog should be flagged by the blogger. The poster of the unrelated comment has no right to complain to anyone about being flagged. If I am reading comments about how to bake cookies, I do not need to see comments about how to unclogged a toilet.

Rule "08) Don't directly ask for votes":

That is as bad as unrelated comments, and in the event they are flagged for it, then they have no rights to complain. (I had a lot more here but this is my first blog piece, and I did not want to tick off the whole world yet).

Rule "09) Don't expect reciprocal votes":

This ties into rule 8, just because someone says they like something I posted, and ask me to upvote them also, at that point I know he/she/(and politically correct everything else), really did not read my post so why would I even think about upvoting something of theirs.

Rule "10) Don't bribe people for votes, re-steems, follows or ask directly for money":

Same thing as rules 7,8, and 9. if you need to ask, then what you had to say was worthless.

Rule "11) Don't use the wallet to get attention":

Where do I find out about using the wallet to send people messages? I did not see any method during my quick perusal of the wallet?

Rule "12) Don't ever use @all in the chat" Rule "13) Don't direct message people you don't know in the chat":

I haven't been into the chat rooms yet, will check them out at a later date, I will remember to follow those two rules though.

Rule "14) Don't flag content just because you disagree or don't like it":

I wish this rule was followed by everyone, but I have already seen a lot of complaints in various blogs that show this is not the case. Oh well people will be people.

Rule "15) Don't be a stalker or a troll", Rule "16) Keep the adolescent remarks to yourself":

15 year old mentality abounds in a lot of 23-98 year old's, and I don't just mean men.

Rule "17) Don't be a drama queen":

I kind of like the excessive drama from this type of person on occasion. The nice thing about it being on-line, is that I can read it or watch it when I feel like it, and can even throw my two cents in to the side I believe most with upvotes. So I hope a few people, (and I have already seen some of them), will do the drama thing.

Rule "18) Don't go on witch-hunts":

Ah no Salem witch trails allowed. That I think is a good thing, and if multiple people are going after a single individual, I would hope that most of the people on here are intelligent enough to realize that the Salem Witch trails were based on multiple people going after the innocent person. The masses, (ie:Think KKK type crowds), are not always,(rarely are), right, and the individual is often innocent.

Rule "18) Don't make it personal/Don't make argumentative posts":

(yes there are two rule 18's on the page).

Debates can and do (at least on line, with no moderator) tend toward the argumentative side. When it happens it is difficult for people to back off and take a breather. If the audience, (those reading the comments), took a pro-active stand, it can help sooth things over, (or inflame the hell out of it).

Rule "19) Don't critique people's work unless they have asked you to":

I agree with this rule a lot. If the person, (artist), is asking then be critical in a nice way, if you can not then don't post a comment.

Rule "20) Do admit when you are wrong /Do apologise. Rule "21) Do forgive people":

This one I know is hard for people. If I am wronged by someone life still goes on, I think I saw where you can mute people and not have to deal with there BS. If I have to deal with it I guess I will, and a false, (and I have seen several in my few days of perusing steemit), apology means that person no matter how much they beg plead and cry about how sincere they are now will never be forgiven.

Rule "22) Do take a step back":

We all need to take in some fresh air every now and then.

Rule "23) Do answer your comments":

Sometimes people will have a lot of time and distance from what they wrote, and have several other newer post that they are reviewing comments on, I for one will not be hurt by getting no response to a comment I make on a post that is 5 days or more old. I figure by then the poster is on to more current post.

Rule "24) Do help others out and do thank people":

Common courtesy can go a long way, I wish more people understood that.

Rule "25) Do share great posts.":

This one is hard for me, I do not, and most likely will not, have much of an on-line presence. FaceBook, LinkedIn, and twitter are not in my future.

Rule "26) Do check out new posts and curate":

This is why I am here. To entertain myself, and change the channel when ever I feel like it. If its Toys, Trucks, Art, Reading, Games, or what not it looks like I can pretty much find a channel to keep myself entertained.

Rule "27) Do always comment when you flag a post and go back and check it":

This, (flagging), I am sure will happen sometime in the future, and when it does the person will know exactly what I was thinking and why I flagged them. You can't correct a dog for laying on the bed for the last five hours just because you finally saw him there.

Rule "28) Do provide verification":

Not going to happen in my case, and I think it is a complete waste of time for other people. Do you know how long it takes to scroll through the list of a person blog what with all their blogs and re-steems, to the beginning, especially if they have been here for one year, and heck, some new people,(less than 3 months here) have a lot more blog stuff than some who have been here from the start. So like I would know billy-bob is really billy bob if I spent an hour scrolling back to see his verification photo, yeah like I have the time or energy for that. I am who I am, accept it or not, no skin off my back if you don't.

Rule 29) Do always read the rules for the chat channel you are posting in":

When I make it that far I will.

I would like to thank @thecryptofiend for the Etiquette Guide. Also, (Hoping it works), I would like to thank him for the Markdown pad 2 link. I am trying it out on this post.

I am not real sure what I am going to do with my steemit account if anything at all. In two or three months we will all know, if I am still here commenting, posting and re-steeming, then I guess that would mean I did something with it, if not, then no one got hurt, and most likely will not even notice I am no longer here, Time will tell.

On thing before I go, and one of the reasons and one of the things I am interested in, and since I was unable to provide any eye candy take a look at this guys art @neonartist

for a great auditory listen, I found LEAH and Her song Dragonborn from @magicalwolf.

In the 5 days of waiting to be approved, I have already found oh-so much that will and is of interest to me, and I am old enough to know that my interest may not coincide with everyone else.

One last note, I really really do not give a damn about how good a speller, or grammar checker you are, so don't bother.


Welcome to Steem Community @bashadow! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@gaman/new-steemians-project-launch

Remember the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition? hehe :-)
Welcome to Steemit ❤

Welcome to Steem @bashadow I have upvoted and sent you a tip

glad to see you @Bashadow I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community !! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me !

Welcome to Steemit @bashadow, I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

Appreciate the response, I'm one of those rare cases, not here to make money, if it happens it happens, if not, say-la-vee.

This looks very useful

The guide is not mine, I just used it as a prompt to try and write an introduction of myself. thecryptofiend did the guide, and at the bottom of his guide he has several other very helpful links. Thanks for taking time to look my post over.

Hello @bashadow! Welcome to steemit! :)

Thank you, I may stay awhile.

Hey looks like you nailed it down on the haves and have not pretty good, now Welcome to Steemit! Looking forward to seeing what ya have to say!

Thank you for all the help.

Your very welcome!

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