Memoirs of a Comic Book Collector: Origins - My introduction to Steemit

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

52 years ago, I began a love affair that still goes strong today.

My first comic was a Kaliman # 17, from 1966. This character was a blockbuster in sales during the 60s and 70s in all LatinAmerica, si, it was required reading for a small town kid like me.
In Spanish comic books were called, historietas, revistas de monitos y cuentitos (Little tales about comic characters).

After that, I began reading, and eventually, purchasing, almost everything that I could put my hands into. Obviously, when money was available!

Arriving at Mexico City in 1970, broadened my reading horizon.

I read all comics I could get or went thru my hands... Novaro, La Prensa, Editora Sol, and several other minor publishing houses.

At 15 years old, my personal comic book collection had reached almost 500 different issues. And then, one day, I found that some department stores like Sears Roebuck, carried the original english issues!!

I made ONE mistake then... I sold all my mexican comic books and began collecting the US editions.

Second mistake?

One day in 1980, I found a two feet long steel stripped pack full of Silver Age issues, including a Tales of Suspense 41, and other minor jewels, which I sold to a Canadian Comic store for 130 dls...!

Anyway, by 1988 I got married and had to put my collecting days in the backburner.

Two years later, I got back in full force, and by 1992, I decided to open a Comic Book store, like the ones in USA. After 6 months of operating with some associates, we parted ways and opened Manticora Comics on May 1st, 1993.

After several ups and downs, economic and financial hits like 1994's Mexican Devaluation of our Peso, I decided to go full online, and here I am, still going on!

Why am I writing this post today?

Because today, 25 years ago, I opened in México City - and to my knowledge, in all the country - the first Comic Book Store!
Yes, time flies when you are doing things that you like!

And don't get me started in Fantasy, Terror and Science fiction Books or Vinyls!

It would be a Never Ending story!


Cool story man

Thanks, sbrys!

I've got about 7 thousand comics myself. Hoping to cherry pick a legacy for my kids then swap the other 5 or 6K books for bitcoin.

Originally, I thought the same, kkugel2! But my kids aren't really comic book fans! So, I think I'll sell the stuff, eventually!

Ah Kaliman! Mi padre es fanatico de la serie, tambien escuchaba la radio-novela. Increible post @baronstrucker. Serenidad y Paciencia!

Gracias, camaund! Kaliman iniciaba a la 1:30 pm, y yo corría de la primaria hata la caa, para oirlo desde el inicio! Que buenos tiempos...!

Nice to meet you, @baronstrucker! Welcome to Steemit!

Welcome to steemit! Interesting story! Some great comics!

Thanks, brandyb!

Ahhhh Sat am visit to shop to get a 5c comic book, those where the days :-)

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Hope that helps some.

Welcome to Steemit. When I was in High School, I was at at thrift store and happened upon a box of classic comics. They were not priced. They appeared to be an afterthought to the workers at the store. I went to the register and walked out with them having paid one dollar for the entire box.

There were some gems inside. Still sleeved. Obviously, someone had collected them and moved on (or passed on) and they were donated with other items. I wish I still had them. My mom moved after I joined the Marine Corps. She donated the entire collection. LOL. Karma? Naw...just bad luck.

Easy comes, easy goes, pal! Thanks for commenting!

Comics are indeed a joy. I've held the medium near and dear to my own heart as well, the memories and imagination they all sparked helped to shape me into who I am today. It's wonderful that you are providing a new generation of readers that same opportunity. More power to you, friend.

Thanks, einzige! Unfortunately, these same new generations, DON'T read! Not even if their life was at stake!

Now that is quite a story 52 years! wow....welcome to steemit, great intro! @darius1993

Thanks, darius1993!

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