Introduce me from Banjarmasin South Kalimantan Indonesia

Hello world,

Even I have join Steemit around 2 month but I think it's not to late to introduce myself to you.
I think it necessary to annaouce about who am I.

My name is Azmi, I live and growth at Banjarmasin City the Capital city of South Kalimantan Indonesia.

That's why my account is @azmielbanjary, it's mean Azmi from Banjarmasin.

My occupation is a sales representative of Farm Equipment Dealer. As a sale person, i should convasing even to remote area which is some time no phone signal can found.

My hobby is blogging, i know blog since 2006 till now. I love Martial Art, because Matrial art teach me how to control my mind, how to being patiently, how to maintain my potential inner power.
Martial art not only make me healthy but I can use to help other people by healing them using my inner energy

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I join steemit, honestly for earn some money from internet, this is what i do when blogging on other platform. We can get anything from internet, including earn money from that.
With blockchain technology, steemit make earn from internet more easier.

Last but not least, This is my lovely car, we call it "Just Blues", a Toyota Starlet made on 1994. Even old but Just Blue very thoughtful carry me to do my activity.

Thank you for your attention, I hope with this little short introduction, you have know about me.

Best Regards


Welcome! :D

Welcome to steemit. Feel free to follow me @Tachiraontop

Whoa. You’re into martial arts. Welcome to Steemit! I’m sure you’ll have fun here in Steemit. You get to earn by doing what you love. Keep posting! Steem on! 🤗💚

right, martial art not only for self defense, but the benefit more beyond that.
Thank you..You got new follower ;)

mohon bimbingannya kanda and follo me @zulfahri kanda

Hi, I welcome you to this wonderful steemit group.
I invite you to review my blog.-

Welcome to steemit, hope you can establish good communication among fellow steemians. Have fun

Welcome to steemit...
Please Upvote @adit9

Hey ..... welcome to our community. I hope you find it good and it polishes your skills :)please be kind enough to follow me as well @azkaa plus let me know if you need any help....

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