Hi Steemit!!!! My name is Audrey and I am a full time model who owns and operates an animal rescue out of my farm

Hi Streemit!!! So Happy to be here

Who am I?....

My Name is Audrey Blake. I am a glamour model living at the base Of Mt Hood, Oregon. I Love traveling, Hiking, camping, skiing, horse back ridding, cooking and my job modeling and using it as a platform for what I am truly passionate about, hosting a rescue and half way house for rescued farm animals.


What exactly DO you DO?....

Eight years ago I started working as a full time glamour model. Working as an under paid preschool teacher I was just scraping by, living paycheck to paycheck. Looking on the internet one night i found an add for modeling. Now before I continue I must say that some people may consider my job a " little too much". I decided you only live once and jumped into the world of online nude glamour modeling ( Think live playboy style chat-rooms, photo shoots and video shoots) .

(At a Photoshoot in Mexico)

When signing up I never though it would be something that would work out for me, let alone become a eight year career. At this time I had zero self confidence in my looks but I was so desperate for a change and tired of working for someone else. The idea of working from my home , making my own hours and working as much or as little as I wished was extremely tempting to me. I was amazed at the outcome of this job and decided to quit my teaching job and became a full time self employed model. Now most people enjoy the job for the usual perks... make your own hours, work from home, good pay. But over the years I have found another amazing thing from this job that I think most models do not see or do not care about and that is meeting, inspiring and bringing happiness to people around the world. I enjoy hearing about peoples days, learning about them, learning things from them, making them laugh, turning bad days into good days for them.

I am defiantly not the model your looking for if you want the " perfect girl". I am goofy, real, clumsy, dorky and never claim to be anything else then that, but through all of that I seemed to shine and become even more popular. It was crazy to think that after all , a majority of men didn't want that perfect barbie doll women, they just wanted a genuine, honest, funny girl next door.

Sometimes when I may be having an emotionally bad day ( don't we all have those days?) I get online and try to make other people smile and believe it or not just doing that small action for a stranger can and will make your day better. Because of my job it has allowed me to live my life the way I always dreamed but never imagined could become possible. Living on an farm on a beautiful mountain, traveling the world, making people smile, owning an animal rescue.

A huge change in my life......

Several months ago I took a step into a direction that would lead me down an amazing path. Like Most people I was researching different diets. I came across some articles about veganism, which at the time i told myself " I could NEVER do that" . Knowing that i was not ready to turn my world upside down by changing my eating lifestyle I started researching what animal and animal byproducts do to our body. I found myself later that week trying out the vegan diet for 30 days. About 5 days into what at the time I was calling a " 30 day challenge" I made the decision to never eat an animal product again.

My entire life I have been an animal lover. As a little girl I was always begging my parents for every and any animal i could have. I had dreams of having a farm, animal rescue and of course like any little girl inspired to be a veterinarian. My biggest animal love was horses, i begged my parents for a pony for every birthday and Christmas but of course they waited it out assuming it would be a phase.... needless to say I never got out of that phase. At 13 years old my mom and dad bribed me to stay in home school one more year until i got into high school. A bribe for a horse of my own. Through high school i was extremely active in high school equestrian team and high school rodeo. Later got into competing in professional rodeo in roping and barrel racing and even had 5 rodeo queen titles.

(My horses Tupac, legs and Larry)

As any serious anima lover, my love does not stop at one particular animal. I honestly can not count all the animals, pets and rescues that have been in my life, But needless to say I don't discriminate from a tiny wild baby bunny to a 600 pound hog, they are all special and loved in my eyes. Do you also love animals or have a special or unique pet? please post them in the comments i love to see pics.

( Yep thats a baby skunk, with a broken leg)

Several months into deciding to join the vegan lifestyle I was sitting on my deck outside my 20 acre farm trying to think to myself " How can I do more?" Some people join groups, some people blog, some people even protest. I was trying to think what I had to offer to help a cause that I believed in. Then it hit me like a pile of bricks! I have a 20 acre farm with a barn and only had a few small house pets and my two horses.... i had all the space in the world to offer homes and temporary housing for local and factory farmed animals that other wise would be killed.

(my Farm)

The way I saw it was that there were all kinds of people that could offer foster dogs and cats homes but who had the space to foster horses, cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks and any other farm critters. So that is where my farm animal foster and rescue started.

(A rescue goat I named Pocahontas)

My first rescue was unique and special to say the least.... and surprise surprise he is still with me. I seem to have a hard time finding him a home because of his "different" circumstance. A one year old rooster that came with the name " Sharkbate". Sharkbate holds a special place in my heart not only because he is my farms first recuse but because he is a survivor to say the least. Anyone who is around farm animals knows that roosters are born with a slim chance to begin with. Hens provide eggs, they grow much faster for meat. So most roosters are killed at birth in factory farming and in their teens on private farms. Sharkbate was born with one deformed leg. He was nursed back to health after being trampled by the other chicks and somehow made it. Although unfortunately during his first winter suffered from frost bite on all of the toes except one on this good leg. So as of today he is a one legged, one toed rooster that can not provide any of the " services" that people would like out of roosters. He is just one of the many amazing story from my little band a misfits at my rescue farm. I cant wait to share their story's and pictures here on steemit with everyone and bring awareness to what we can do for animals.


(One of my hens, Marilyn Monroe)

Who doesn't love food?.....

I have never been shy about the fact that I am a huge foodie. Always has been and always will be. I love spending time in the kitchen not only cooking and baking but coming but with my own recipes. I host large dinner parties with family and friends. one of the reasons i bought a house was because it had the space for a 12 seated dinning table. I love to cook for people and wow them with my recipes. When going vegan, I cant lie i thought i would not be able to host large dinner parties any more because really... what do vegans eat?

(Pineapple fried rice, Pad Kee Maw, Peanut butter banana vegan ice cream)

Needless to say I have rediscovered food and its amazing. Instead of relying on greasy meat and fatty cheeses and butters to flavor my food i know turn to herbs, seasons and spices. Learning that i can still have all my old favorites like grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken fajitas, pizza, double patty cheese burgers, crab cakes, cheese cake, cookies, blueberry muffins and ice cream, all from scratch. I love cooking new things almost as much as i love a challenge. So I challenge you steemit members if there is something that you would like to see me "veganise" please let me know, ive even done vegan steak!!! ( yes i said vegan steak) I LOVE posting and sharing pics of yummy food and the recipes on how to make them. I really hope steemit members will enjoy seeing them.

I am so Happy to have found steemit... finally a social networking system that benefits those that post, upvote and comment. I look forward to getting to know all of you and i am truly honored to be apart of the steemit family. My life is an open book so please feel free to ask any questions in the comments below and lets move forward full steem ahead :-) .


Welcome to Steemit. May your eggs lure ten productive men onto the platform.

thank you!! happy to be here i hope to lure many people onto this awesome network

Steemit is becoming quite the chef convention. Welcome!

Thank you!!! i would love to see more food post.... really who wouldnt though

Please pass my vote on to the goat. thanks :)

LOL Ill tell pocahontas she has your vote

Wish I could cast an extra up-vote to the animal rescue. Best of luck with that.

Thank you! but I defiantly still appericate your support

Yay!!! I love seeing other vegans on Steemit! :-D Welcome to our community, Audrey! I think you'll find yourself in good company as there are quite a few of us who are foodies, vegans/vegetarians, and animal lovers (myself included). We have such a kickass group of supportive and thoughtful people here!

I really admire and applaud you for all the wonderful work you're doing for rescued farm animals! I nearly teared up when I read your story about Sharkbate. Bless your heart for having so much compassion, and for setting such a positive example for others to follow. I look forward to reading more stories of all the lovely creatures whom you've provided a safe home for.... and exchanging delicious vegan recipes! :)

That is awesome to hear! I really love talking with other vegans, sometimes it hard to find like minded people out there. I plan t share some of my recipes and i love hearing other peoples and trying them.

I hear ya. It's been much harder to find other vegans since I move to Chile late last year, but no matter... my boyfriend whom I live with is vegan, too, and he's the best support system I've got! I love him dearly.

I shared a few recipes in my blog so feel free to check those out if you like. I also did a recent post about how I came to veganism, and I'm going to post the next one sometime later today.

okay, welcome to steemit @audreyblake
I hope you are happy to be in steemit

Upvote done !!!

Thank you and im really excited to check it out

the important thing is that there are health

what? lol i think there was a typo in there

Hey audrey, nice to meet you,I love animals too because they are everything humans should aspire to be, at peace with the world, not vindictive and grateful.
Is it body painting or tatoo on your body? I am bodypainter, I can paint you if you want :) welcome to steemit family

wow very well said, im going to use that line if you dont mind. I feel the exact same way, animals posses so many qualities that i wish more people had, grateful, appreciative, pure loving, innocent and actually provide and benefit the planet . no it wasnt body pain, if you were talking about the beach pic, it was a patterned from water and sand.

oh my bad I overlooked that pic. anyway I will follow you, we have same love for animals !

That's awesome you have a passion for helping animals. It is always needed. We also need the momentum of people helping other people to pickup in this world. It seems to be less popular these days. Steemit does provide us a community to help one another so that's a good start!

I really do try... I think that every single animal no matter what the species, they deserve respect, love and a chance at life. Im always looking to find like minded people about animal compassion

Audrey! Long time fan. Great to see you on here! Oregon boy here!!!


Nice to see you here !!!! Nice!! another Oregonian? what part of Oregon?

The booming town of Wilsonville! 😀

So Audrey ... I was 3rd to upvote your first post/blog on here. How do we get access to all of your videos? Might have to take a day off work 😀 😍

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