This is me: My Introduction Post

It took me awhile to join this website as my cousin @iyanpol12 has been referring me here on Steemit before. I joined a week ago, but unable to confirm until I looked at my email account this morning and and got my application approved.


Who am I?

I am Tyron from Philippines. It is my first time to join a blogging website because I don't think I am good in writing. In fact, my cousin is teaching me what and how to write. I hope I am able to succeed here on Steemit.

I Love Music

I love music a lot. I always download songs on my phone and play them while working. I also sing along with them.

My Preferences

As I already said, I love music. Though, I also love arts. I don't think I am not too good in drawing but I think I have some talent. In fact, I am helping my nephews and nieces creating their art projects.
Here are some of my pieces:



I am hoping that I can find success here on Steemit, and I would be encouraged to work on my craft and improved them. As my cousin @iyanpol12 told me, there are lots of artists here and my talent will work. So there I go, hoping to write more here on Steemit and share art pieces.

Photo credits: Mine


Wow, a proud artist, I hope I have the guts to show myself and my art there like you. Hehehe

Do it freely with the #untalented family


Hi @caliber, we visit you with our tinnie winnie upvote and give your our "seal of awesomeness" as you have been determined by a human @surpassinggoogle, to be gifted.

Welcome to the #untalented family, where everyone is seen as possessing of rare gem

Mabuhay! Welcome to steemit!

Thank you.

Welcome to Steemit! Just keep on steeming there, okay?


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Welcome to steemit

Hey bro @aquinotyron3 welcome to steemit :)

Welcome kabayan.

Welcome. Do an intro soon

welcome aboard! :D

welcome to the steemit community :)

Welcome. What kind of music do you listen to? That is a good artwork what you have done.Have fun around and keep Steeming on.

Thank you for supporting constantly the new ones. You there when i became as well

Congratulations dear friend @aquinotyron3 you feel at home and succeed in media steemit platform. This medium is where we learn how to post professionally and freely from plagiarim. Where steemit is very demanding us to be sportsmanship in sharing all sorts of news, which happens in our daily lives. Congratulate our friends, send us all that benefits us on the steemit platform.

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