Hell fellow!! Let me introduce my self young girl form indonesia want to join steem community

Hello, every one! My name is Anggi Anggraini. 20-years-old, Actually, I think it’s really a meaningful name. My father’s family name  is ‘tommy’, and my mother’s name is ‘Anggita’. In indonesia,My parents hope I can be an excellent  girl. my friends best friend @nabila-bestari telling me if i want make blog i can make cool blog in here 

im so sorry I can just make this post right now for some reason

I am the only child in my family. Both of my parents are teachers.  They are hardworking and responsible. Many of my classmates admire me a  lot, since they think that my parents can help me a lot with my study.  However, most of the time, they care more about their students. So I’m  independent. 

Many people think I am a little shy and quiet at the first sight. But  in fact, I’m an active and easy-going girl who has many friends. Some  of my classmates went abroad. They study in different countries now,  such as Australia, American, Canada and England. We have been connected  for a long time. We talk about our study, our life and different cultures. 

I learned a lot when I was young, such as calligraphy, traditional baseball, swimming, tae kwon do and violin. Those were my  hobbies before. However, I prefer to watch movies and surf the Internet. 

I like travelling. I have travelled to  different place in malaysia, such as kuala lumpur, singapore, thailand, Bangkok with my family……

I  think travelling can widen my horizon. And I can relax myself. So my  dream is I hope I can travel around the world one day in the future.
Happy weekend.


#blogging #steemit


welcome to steemit, have a nice day

Welcome to Steemit thank you for sharing your story with us!

Welcome to Steemit! :)

thank you for you welcome friends :)

Welcome to the site! Its great to see the indonesian community growing so fast here!!

thanks my friend for you welcome yeah i see a lot indonesia person in here and make me more want to join this community , once again thank you for you welcome.
happy weekend:)

"If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards." Paul Bryant

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