Graphic Design and Social Media Pro from Panama

My Name is Anabell Hilarski

Hello Steemit, this is my first post on this social network. I have been doing social media full time as a professional since 2012. My company is High Impact Media Group Panama. My husband Randy Hilarski and I have clients all over the world.

I am born and raised in Panama. My family immigrated to Panama from Costa Rica before I was born. My Grandfather was from India! Panama is a very diverse country. We come in all different colors.

My Work

My focus is on the imagery. I am a self taught graphic designer. My work has been used by many big names over the years. Most of you have seen my work with The Dollar Vigilante. I had the pleasure of meeting Jeff and Luke when they stopped in Panama on their way home from Venezuela. I have been working with Jeff ever since.

Jeff has Taken Steemit by Storm.

Our Journey in Crypto.

We are currently working closely with Ira Miller of Git Guild. Ira was the Co-Founder of Coinapult, a Bitcoin wallet based in Panama. Over the next six months we are launching some amazing projects alongside Git Guild and will be showcasing our Social Media business $200 Social at LaBitConf 4-5 November in Buenos Aires.

We can't talk about the projects but I promise you will be excited to see what our Panama team is up to. I also do the imagery for Tigo CTM. They make Bitcoin and Dash CTM's. Check out my video about how to use the Tigo CTM.

Here are Just a Few of Our Clients.

I am Also Teaching Entrepreneurs About Social Media in Panama.

In a few days I have my next workshop for social media. Panama is in desperate need to learn how to do social media properly. People are tired of hearing theory. I choose to teach how to do it not just why. Randy and I are also hoping to do a workshop at Anarchapulco 2017. We want to teach people how to spread the word about their beliefs on social media.

Some Photos Of Me!

I Can't Forget My Hillary for Prison T-shirt ; )

Aiming High, Entrepreneurship Is About Living Your Dream, Not Someone Elses.

Connect with Me on Social Media.

If you need help with your brand feel free to contact me.
Google Plus


Hello Ana, we would like to inform you that you have been chosen as a featured author by the @robinhoodwhale initiave. We are currently in alpha testing, if you would like more info join robinhood chat on or pm @repholder.

Great Intro - Keep on Steeming!

Gracias!! Anyway I can help.

@hilarski - you do post some great stuff man lol, there is no doubt.

Are you sure about this choice, @robinhoodwhale? How come the manager of the @dollarvigilante account needs any sort of help because of being underrated on steemit? It seems a contradiction to all what you say you represent and that is help undervaluated members of steemit. This is obviously a "star" account and you are going to support them with minnows' hard earned steem...

I am a graphic designer and do not control the Dollar Vigilante account. My posts will also be in Spanish in the future. Do you want more Spanish users?

The message was meant for @robinhoodwhale. It's not about you, @anahilarski. The @robinhoodwhale is asking for contributions (and already got many) from "minnows" to help them get noticed. @dollarvigilante is your client as you yourself posted:


So you clearly don't need any support from the @robinhoodwhale initiative as you are already related with the most powerfull accounts here on steemit. Maybe you don't know what @robinhoowhale promised to help the least noticed accounts, and the ones who don't have powerfull friends around steemit. It's clearly not your case.

Anyway we do welcome here on steemit and wish you the best, but we need answers from @robinhoodwhale as they are clearly deviating from their public and selfdeclared mission.

Welcme Anabell so good to have you on Steemit. You and Randy are kicking goals! I hope we can work together on something one day

Thank you Elissa! We are planning to come to Anarchapulco. We hope to meet everyone at that time. ; )

Welcome to Steemit! If you would like to see statistics of any post on Steemit, you can use I have made a bookmark for your convenience in accessing Steemd.

Welcome, Ana! Nice to meet the other Hilarsky :)

The two of you are doing just phenomenal things down there. Keep up the great work and welcome to Steemit!

Aw thank you Derek!

Great to see you on Steemit Anabell! More beach photos please. :P

Jajajaja, skin sells ; )

Agreed Jeff. lol

Hillary for prison! Welcome to steemit! :)

I laughed pretty hard when I saw that shirt, honestly. (Y)

Welcome @anahilarski on Steemit :-)

Thank you so much.

hola ana soy nuevo en esto me fascina el mundo del bitcoin y de steemit estoy en panama y quiero ser un hombre emprendedor como tu.

Are YOU a starter, a finisher, or an implementer?

Hi Ana. Welcome and great to see you here. I'm looking forward to seeing all of your posts and content.

Gracias Amigo!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 58132.39
ETH 3138.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44