Introduce yourself: Founder of and Tech Entrepreneur

Hello Steemians! I am Arun Shah, the CEO & Founder of A platform where tech enthusiast can keep themselves updated about the upcoming Technology Events and Conferences across the globe and also can read research reports focused on innovative applications, development of new technologies and the efficient solutions that solves the key issues faced by technology decision makers.

How I came to Steemit

I'd like to thank my friend @adisrivastav who inspired me to join Steemit.. He has been asking me to join Steemit since long time, and his ideas about this amazing community always intrigued me. I kept telling him that I am very busy with my new business and will not get enough time for Steemit. To which he replied “Opportunities present themselves in strange packages. Open the package even if you're not sure what's inside or if anything is inside. You never know. So take a leap of faith and trust that this community will give back what I put in”. Those words were stuck in my head since last three days so I decided to do my own research about how Steemit works.

I'm lucky to be a officially part of Steemit- an amazing community of people where so many warriors and fighters are leading and giving rise to the urge to love more and make some differences in our decaying world. Steemit should be a place where we build each other up, promote each other and share our knowledge so that others can succeed.

My main goal in life always been to help other people by sharing my ideas, thoughts and information in different ways and once I got to know that Steemit serves the goal as mine or basic human nature , It made me trust in stability of this amazing platform. Long live Steemit!

A little about my professional journey:

After four years of working for different organizations, I made the difficult decision to resign from my company with a traditional "next job" lined up. For most of my career in other organizations I have worked under the awareness that one of my limited gifts was to surround myself with people who are smarter and more skilled than me in those areas where I fell short.

Working in the top IT companies with a culture of empowerment, fearlessness, innovation, entrepreneurship with incredible people elevating and operating at extraordinarily high levels made me look in the mirror. I've always believed I had more to give, more to contribute to both individuals and organizations that would fully utilize my education, experience, talents, and skills.

There's was a need in the marketplace - a critical one - for people and companies to learn and leverage the power of technology conferences and brand building through consumer/client interaction, networking, and thought leadership with post event discussion. So I started with one of my friend.

I've also done my own thing before. I’ve been in business for myself twice. Once was very successful, and actually led to my career in technology. The other...was a disaster. I won't belabor the details, but that whole thing is one of my biggest life regrets and I have terrible fear surrounding it. So it's partly that fear, the fear of a giant crash and burn again that my heart and bank account can't take. I also LIKE working to help other people grow their companies. I'm good at it and find it really satisfying while giving me some balance in my life like time off, and a predictable salary for a while. Entrepreneurship isn't a “just”. It's hard as hell on every front. And it's for sure not for everyone. So if it's not your thing, don't worry. The business world needs people like us who can build, grow, scale and advance companies we didn't create. There's room for all of us.
The fear and self-doubt were real. In my head so many voices were chattering and throwing so questions like “Will people and companies want my services? What others will say if I fail and need another job? I said to myself “I’m going to chase my passion and before life gets too serious for me, now is the time to work like hell and try.” So I decided to take the leap, quitting my job, and going 100% FULL TIME to work on :) I was now ready to embrace MY WHOLE SELF and live the full life that I can be proud of.

Today, isn't just a website but an organization where we are eight people working together generating revenue I always dreamed of. It’s been an interesting last six months! I am immensely proud of creating a successful company with from nothing but the thought of doing something different has been intensifying! When people say it’s not the destiny but the journey are so true. I have loved the Coulters experience and have learnt a lot from it! So now to pastures new! I have various business ideas that have been slowly crystallising and I will be looking to take those forward in the next few years.

What kind of posts you should expect from me?

Almost all of my posts will be related to MY real life or to someone I know (friends, colleagues, family, or even someone I may not like). I am a thinker and an observer. I am passionate about a lot of things. I am also NOT perfect. I make mistakes. I will be posting about such topics. Something happens, a conversation or an observation that causes me to think and put my frame of reference around it...then I will post. . I will post about my journey of vulnerability and things that feed my soul. I will post about mentality issues, leadership, emotional intelligence, etc. Because I strongly believe to be authentic! To engage in things that I care about, because if it comes from a real place, chances are it will resonate with others and they will add value to Steemit too. I will be writing about hot topics about business entrepreneurship and technological advancement in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine learning, particularly determining their impact level on our society and how they are changing the world around us for better.

Let me end up the post this way:

This is my first post on Steemit so why not end up with something I always have in my mind and probably most of the people. Am I good enough? Will my opinions matter? What will people think about me? It's pretty common to have such questions in our mind. Human beings are social animal. We need validation from others. But, when we start to doubt ourselves in every situation then that's a problem. So whenever such questions are pulling you back and you can't concentrate on anything else then just close your eyes Think about your dream. Think about your purpose in Life. Think about whatever makes you happy.

I know it will be hard but don't stop trying. Your dreams will come true when you go out of your comfortable zone and stop doubting yourself!

Looking forward to spending my time here on Steemit to exchange knowledge with already established entrepreneurs, industry leaders, investors as well as those who are still trying to make it big in the tech startup ecosystem.

Connect with me on Linkedin


Wellcome to family :)

Welcome to

hi indian
so sweet photo
i am from india
welcome friend

@vivekkanade Thank you. I am excited about joining! Visited your profile and found some cool stuff there. Looking forward to read some of them. Be in touch.

Welcome to Steemit, nice blog following you, You can also follow me

Everybody needs humor in their life and me too! Your name suggests the kind of stuff you must be sharing. Following you.

Welcome, Arun aka Technology man! :)) You seem very focused and determined. Glad you joined us. So which is your favorite innovative application? Followed and looking forward

I am into healthy lifestyle, mind, motivation and more in case you would like to visit my channel :) VALUE guaranteed

Thanks for stumbling upon @wild-forest and taking the time to read my post. For sure I will be visiting your channel to borrow some knowledge on healthy lifestyle, mind and motivational stuff.

My personal favorite application is the education quiz app Kahoot!. Last week we had an interactive sales meeting with everybody in the team to be active with their smartphone. We used the website and app of KAHOOT for it . What a perfect system to work with! It is already changing the way connected team works as well as learning in students,. Recently they announced that their app is now used by 50% of all US K-12 students which shows how much impact it is making.

I am glad that you finally decided to join. Just to give you a warm welcome from myself as well, it's amazing to have you here! I strongly believe your ideas ,experiences, adventures and view on the world as well will add a lot of value to this community. If there is one thing I have learnt so far from you, it is that the more positive energy and effort you give to achieve your dreams, the quicker they will be achieved. I am very excited to read what you will publish next ;) Kudos to your efforts in your new venture, I hope you will make it very big soon here too!

Thanks Adi. :-) Good to be here, finally. :-D Look forward to seeing more of your art, especially your drawings and paintings.

I do not post my painting and drawings here but I will post some of them in future :)

Surely people will love them, you should post soon. I was wondering if I can post an article about "competing instead of comparing". The idea is that competitive spirit in life which is very difficult to avoid and I’m not sure we should. There is a school of thought that says we are to scrape off the competitive mindset because there is more than enough for everyone. Best attitude in life is to strive to be your best and reach a set of desired goals rather than trying to pull other people down. Will it be good to post today or should I wait?

Good to know you are already prepared for your next post, I think you should wait, comment on posts of other people that you find interesting to build relationship so they will follow you back and engage with your content. Join discord so we can communicate if you need any help from my side.

hi alltechevent, it’s nice to see new face on steemit, hope you will spread positive vibes in steemit.and keep up the good work on steemit...;-) and be regular on steemit it will make grow you faster... ;-)

Welcome to steemit , upvoted you will regularly do on your good work , for newbie tips and basic information you can check my blog at @adityajainxds

some of the important website you need to now. (username) (username)

This one you need a must to sign up beause you will get more followers and more upvote by everyupvote and lastly the more points the more SBD. Try it and grow yourself

You Have My Back.....
Thanks @adityajainxds

Thanks for the useful links, I really appreciate it.

Hi @alltechevent
Welcome to steemit, I hope you enjoy your time around here , its a great platform. interesting post,i Wish you the best and If any question, don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

Thanks for the support. Indeed its a wonderful community of inspiring minds who are making it better with day by day.

it's growing very fast.

I wish you the best of luck!

Thanks @stella98 for your comment, looking forward to engage with your articles.

Technology is big here! You'll fit right in. I put together a jump start guide for ya hope it helps:
upvoted ya!

Thank you for the useful link. There are definitely still some things on Steemit I didn't understand. I would be reading more stuff so I do not make any newbie mistake.

Sounds good :)

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