My transition to vegetarianism. Part 1.

Sharp changes in diet and excessive categorical attitude to nourishment belong to inner desire of personal progression. Maximalism, that often characterizes teenagers, is also appropriate to adults throughout entire life. And this cause us to make decision to change the nutriment. Sometimes it is mistaken. And due to this I would like to continue discussing my transition to vegetarianism. Tell you about my out experience.

For me it is strangely to reminisce, that I bought sausages after I had been a raw. A little lower I describe my conclusions.

During my raw diet I was fulfill with a strong determination to go till the end despite even my sore throat. This was in 2008 when I started to buy sausages after one year later that I wanted to become a raw.

Caption: Vegetarianism? Only eat grass?

Nevertheless I promised to myself to avoid meat during my diet it appeared rarely and I remember these moments. For example I bought a portion of borsch in the public catering without monitoring the presence of meat in it. After I ate it I felt bad. I remember one more occasion when I ate dumplings. I do not like them so much that they were last meal food I ever tasted being raw.

The matter of fact is that three months of strict raw diet does not influence on my automatic purchase of meat. These leads me to conclusions that I would like to share with you.

Categoricalness and Spirituality

You can be an ardent defender of meat eating first, and then, on the contrary, of vegetarianism. And gradually come to a more balanced understanding of what is happening.

Food, of course, affects the person, his thinking, behavior, health. However, his inner relation to himself, to people, to the world as a whole, his goals and motives are those factors that further shape his life.

Christians often quote from the Bible: "Not that which enters the mouth, defiles a person, but that which comes out of the mouth defiles a person" (Matthew 15:11). And then you can read, the explanation is that what comes from the heart much more defiles a person than what he eats.

And when I read or heard about it being a defender of raw food, I certainly reacted aggressively. Because it took away my hope for an easy way to choose: eat only raw and be a superman or at least I will find the truth. Therefore, I sincerely defended my raw positions.

Expansion of understanding and harmonization

A thoughtful reader may ask the question - and what is the difference between defender of raw food in the past years from the position of vegetarianism now? Maybe I will also change my opinion in the future?

I gradually come to understand the only correct answer. My negative reactions to people who eats should cause questions rather than eating meat as a fact. Despite of the understanding of the matter of fact I stopped eating meat, but allow fish and eggs.

A year after that, until next autumn I used to eat chicken eggs and fish. Gradually, the taste of chicken eggs began to seem unpleasant to me. And at times I switched to quail eggs.

To be continued...

In the next part of my narrative about personal experience I will talk about the positive effect of vegetarian food
on me personally. I'll tell you how I eat now, what I eat and what I do not eat. Also, I will share my understanding of why food influence on a person.


Thank you for sharing your journey.

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smiles... nice post by the way

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