5 years addicted to heroin - my story told in pictures

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

Hello Steemit. I decided to tell you about a very personal story in my introduction.

First the basics: I am a 28 year old girl from baltimore. And i was addicated to heroin for 5 years. I want to tell you the story of my addiction in pictures that my friend and photographer Sara has taken during that time. She contacted me when I was 20 years old if she can follow my addiction. I'am clean now for 2,5 years. This is my story:

I was 17 or 18 years old when I first tried heroin. My room mate was the one who introduced me to it.

I started to strip in the local bars in order to afford my addiction.

I usually got high before the show. I just couldn't go up on stage if i wasn't...

At this moment I didnt manage to hit my vein. Those most have been one of the most gruesome moments in my life.

I lost my job eventually. This was taken moments after i took a shot in a hotel room.

I got inprisoned at age 22. Robbery. I got 18 month, my friend Twon who was with me 12 years. Part of the sentence was a detoxification program.

I managed to stay clean for over a year.

I got on it again only a few weeks after that picture was taken. One full year without heroin was such a big thing to me. From there I tried several times to get clean again. The following is me waiting for my meeting.

When I met one of the guards from prison. He really liked me back then. The picture was taken when i just finished my stay at the drug court in maryland that helps people to resocialise after successfuly fighting an addiction.

I met my boyfriend Kyle during the program. We are still together today and are planning our future now.

And this... this is me today.

I'am happy to share my story with people. Maybe it helps someone to see that I'am a normal girl even though I went through this bad period in my life. I hope that everyone here who suffers from an addiction will find strength to overcome it.

Feel free to ask me questions in the comments, if they are not too personal I will try to answer them.


Story originally posted in January 2016 on this website http://www.refinery29.com/2016/01/100045/sara-naomi-lewkowicz-photo-series-woman-heroin-addict

I would like some sort of verification that the person posting this story here is the same Alex in the story from the article above since there are no new images and no new information that isn't already provided in the original story. We're talking about $5,000 in rewards here and I think the person posting this should be verified before this money is paid out.

This is right adm. My story has also been posted in two print magazines. But until now I did not take the chance to talk to people about it myself. So far it was pictures of me. Without any comment of me whatsoever. I am here to take this opportunity not for clicks or rewards. I would like to be able to discuss this topic with people and not just let them see me in this miserable state and leave it uncommented and up to them. I got a bit upset when reading your comment, not because you are having doubts of some sort but because it lacks any kind of positivity among the other comments. A few comments below I was asked to do an AMA about my story, if there is enough people having questions I dont mind doing a video where i answer your questions - this should be verification enough for you...

Prove it before the payout. It's simple to do. Update your post above with an image of yourself holding up a sign with Steemit and today's date. Thanks!

I would add that a picture with Kyle would be even better (obviously with a Steemit sign and the date). Since you guys are still together, it shouldn't be too hard... Hit me up if you do post it. I'll be waiting on it to either upvote/downvote.

Just take a selfie holding up a piece of paper that says Steemit and today's date. That's what countless other users have done, and nobody has taken offense at the question.

pls do!

If some form of verification is supplied (which I doubt will happen) I will remove my downvote and my post calling this out as a scam.

Alex's story of overcoming addiction is absolutely amazing, but I agree with @adm - something is a tiny bit fishy. Not doubting, but I'd like some verification too.

The thing that throws me off? Alex says she's from Baltimore, which leads me to believe that she grew up there. Yet this post uses a couple of European writing conventions that Americans typically wouldn't:

  1. "2,5 years" instead of 2.5 years
  2. "resocialise" instead of resocialize

I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time it's unfair to profit off of someone else's story.

Don't stress about some comments! You are much stronger than most people here could even imagine is possible.

I've tried quite a few drugs and hallucinogens in my time but after I read a comment by someone who was addicted to heroin I knew I shouldn't touch it ever. Its unfortunate to people who dom't know all the info and warnings about it and the difference to other substances.

The comment was: "getting off heroin is like giving a person who has been blind since birth the eyesight for a day, then taking it away the next day." It seemed to me like a really powerful message and since then I haven't had a second thought about not trying heroin.

These comments aren't insulting her. They're trying to make sure someone isn't exploiting Alex's addiction story. Wouldn't you be upset if someone stole your story and made money on it with no effort?
Verification is easy, and I will gladly upvote and admit I was wrong if I see a selfie!

I agree with verification. Thought she would really prove it was her. :/ I usually ask people in most inteoduceyourself threads foe verification when they don't show it, don't know how I didn't question it this time. Maybe it was just too sick to fake in my taste.

@getssidetracked, I see what you mean now. It would be pretty sick to fake.

yeah i have down voted until this story is verified also

@alexica, I have to agree with @adm and @tuck-fheman about the need for verification of the identity. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it's important to make sure someone isn't abusing Steemit to make $2500+ off Alex's story.
If you verify, I'll remove the downvote and upvote you. Thanks.

@anonymous, @ned , @riverhead, @xeldal, @roadscape please consider removing your upvotes until this post is verified. Thank you!

Congratulations to staying sober! Stay strong and remember how the bad times made you feel so you don't relapse!

Would you be interested in doing an AMA (ask me anything) for people who have questions about your past addiction?

Edit: that moment when you get un-voted even though your heart was in the right place. :(

Yes, I didn't talk much about it to the public before. But when those images got released there wasn't much to hide from anymore anyway. Is there a category for AMA's on steemit? When I looked it up only reddit showed up. As written above I'am happy to answer all questions... as long as they dont get too personal.

Maybe make another post about it sometime where you offer to answer (almost) any questions. Of course since this is a decentralized forum anything can come up so you don't have to answer everything. Ignore trolls. :)

It takes tremendous strength and support to beat an addiction. That's great you have a partner there for you who understands. Thanks for sharing...

Thank you alexica - contributions like these are very valuable - votes and money aside, imagine the worth if one young woman or man reads this, and 'sees' that it is possible to rise above! Very nice ..

That is what I was thinking also... If anyone has comments or questions I'am very happy to help with answers or give recommendations of external help.


That's a touching story. It's always great to hear stories of people who have overcome something difficult.
I was wondering whether you could tell us what, according to you, the biggest misconception is of people about heroin.
And do you maintain close contact with the friends of your past?
And what was the greatest influence on you to overcome your addiction?

I'm sorry if I ask too many questions... just curious. AND Welcome to the Steemit community! :)

How did you get all these high quality photos of your life through the process? Were you taking them to write a story/movie during it all, or were these recreated?

It doesn't matter how many times you fell...what does matter is whether you will have a strength to stand up and go....so
Go Girl!!

Inspiring story. Best wishes on your future!

Definitely seems like something that would be really hard to share but know that we all have been through rough times we aren't proud of and there's always an opportunity to do anything with the rest of our lives :D

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