Let's try this again...

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

 So I spent the better part of an hour putting together a post to re-introduce myself to steemit.  I wrote it first but it took a really long time to get the markdown and styling correct.  Plus uploading all of the images.  Then my post just disappeared...  So I'm going to try this one more time.  Below is my original post.  I hope it doesn't disappear again..  

 Hello Steemers,

 After coming back to this platform I wanted to give a proper introduction into who I am and what I want to use this platform for.  Specifically the type of people that i was to introduce this platform to.  I have never really been a big social media user and I have really tried to reduce my use of online media but I have made a big exception for SteemIt!!


 Elevator Pitch
My name Arelowo Allan Alao an I am a software engineer, entrepreneur, crypto enthusiast and hip-hop artist currently residing in Washington, D.C.  I started my business (Are Times LLC) back in 2007 to support creating my first album “Visions of a Better Life”.  

My main goal was to be an artist and I used my background in IT as a fall back plan.  Well as life has it my fall back plan ended up becoming my full-time career and I switched my company to be more IT focused around 2011.  I have had the privilege of working with a number of government agencies and some private companies around the D.C area.  I recently went back into full-time employment as work around the area started to dry up.  I still have some side projects that I’m working with but for the most part i have changed course sort of speak. 

What is most important to me?

One word ... Family

Back Story

I don’t want to make this to drawn out so I’ll try not to go to much into detail.  I was born in Ann Arbor Michigan in the late 70’s.  My mother is originally from Flint, Michigan (The place with the contaminated water that is STILL CONTAMINATED!!) and my father from Nigeria.  We moved to Nigeria when I was around 1 year old.  I don’t remember much since i was so young but my mom told me it was a bit of a culture shock for me.  

We came back to the states when I was around 6 years old and moved to Detroit, Michigan.  We bounced around a lot in the Metro Detroit Area.

 My mother was a school teacher specifically for deaf and hard of hearing children.  She wanted me to have a good education so when i was in about 7th grade we moved out of Detroit and to Grosse Pointe which is a suburb of Detroit.  After high school I went to one of the first historically black colleges in the United States, Tuskegee University.  I majored in Computer Science with a minor in Philosophy.  It was here where I met some of my closest and life long friends. 

After college I moved out to Washington, D.C which was one of the best decision I’ve ever made in my life!!!  I’ve learned a lot not only career wise but personally and spiritually since I’ve moved to D.C.

 What do I want out of Steemit
 SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!  In actuality this is furthest from the truth .  When  I tell about this platform the first thing they ask is

  How do I get that into my bank account  

This is the most frustrating part. I’m trying to show people how to be free and they are more focused on the main thing that keep us in chains (I’ll save this for a later post) I have learned very early on in my career that if your only goal in life is to make money then you will never be satisfied. People need to have a sense of purpose and a goal that is not based on financial incentive. In order to be content people need to look beyond what they can put in their pocket and look at how they can help others.

My goal is to lead by example and show people that I want to get on this platform how they can be part of a new paradigm. When you use other social networks you are the commodity that they use to sell to advertisers. You are giving your time and worth without getting nothing in return. Why not be part of something innovative? Something revolutionary? Something disruptive against the old way of doing things?

So after a couple of days I’m going to send a link to this post to a couple of people who I know will be very unique contributors to this platform. Hopefully they will stop pussyfooting around and hop on the Steem Train!!!!

If you have made it this far thanks for reading. I’m going to have more blog posts in the future presenting my philosophical musing and the music that I have created.


Excellent introduction post dear friend @ alao is a real pleasure to welcome you to our beloved platform, I hope you feel comfortable working with us, thank you very much for sharing all this information, I wish you many success !!!!!!!

Thank you. My main goal is to help other people find success and freedom through this platform. I'm already content for the most part.

Welcome to steemit! enjoy it here

Welcome to steemit @alao :)
You seem like a multi talented dude! I like how you're into engineering as well as entrepreneurial pursuits, music, and putting your family first! I'll give you a follow cuz you seem like a like minded fellow.
I'm new to Steemit too and I'd REALLY appreciate if you could check out my introduction post at https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@blaisep/hello-steemit-my-name-is-blaise
PS thanks for spreading the word on Steemit to your social circle!

Thanks for the message. I will check out your post and follow!!!

Welcome to Steemit. thanks for sharing your story and look forward to seeing more of your post in the future!!! welcome!

Thank you!!! I look forward to making contributions to this platform.

Excellent way of introducing yourself. Hope you will have a great time around here.

Excellent introduction and it was a pleasure to read and relate to. I agree that if we follow monetary gain, happiness will always be right around the next corner, then the next corner and so on, making it a circle, never ending. Thanks again!

Great introduction and Welcome to the world of Steemit. It's a pleasure to have you here @alao. I'll be sure to Upvote and Follow your journey.

Thank you sir!!!

Hello @alao, welcome to the platform. Its nice to have you here.

Hey @alao Welcome to Steemit!!
I have left you an up vote and follow :)

Thank you. I've done the same!!!

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