A little bit of insight into my mind-introduction

Hello, Steemit! What better thing to post about first than an introduction? Am I right

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My name is Adriana (pronounced ah-dri-ah-na) and I currently reside in the well heard of and very sunny Miami Beach, Florida. I have the privilege to take a 10 minute walk and arrive smack dab in the middle of the beach. What a way to live. It's unfathomable to think that there are some people who have yet to experience this or who have yet to even admire the beauty of the ocean.

I like to say I've always been a writer. I carry a journal and pen with me at all times, ever since I could write even if it was just a tiny little scribble or even chicken scratch. I kid you not.
Adults in my life would question me "What would you like to be when you grow up?" I would confidently reply "A writer!"
Immediately I am faced with a disapproving look and a statement along the lines of "There is little to NO real money in that."

People still do not seem to grasp that communication is the key and is vital. Lack of communication is the main source of most complications. Words are ubiquitous; in other words...everywhere! If used wisely, they can present you with favorable circumstance. The way you present yourself, the way you speak. ALL of that is significant and impacts your life in such a great way that many fail to recognize.

I am always searching for an outlet to share what I write or to express myself. Hopefully this is one that I can enjoy and use to my benefit. I am looking forward to conversations and connecting with others who relish writing and appreciate overall communication!

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"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."


hello @adriaavre welcome to steemit :) I am lucky like you living near the beach. So I can understand how you feel :) I like your photos too. Enjoy your steem journey :)

Aw thank you! :)

Welcome to the platform, Adriana!

How nice to live that close to the beach! Its the same for me but the weather makes beach days non-existent 10 out of 12 months :p

Lack of communication is the main source of most complications.

I agree with that very much!

Threw you a follow to check out what sort of content you'll be posting in the future, feel free to ask away if there is anything you are wondering about! :)

thank you very much !:) i appreciate it!

Welcome to Steemit! From what I gather, you live in a pretty awesome place :-)
Hope you'll enjoy your time here!

thank you! :)

great pics! welcome to steemit:)

Nice introduction, welcome to steemit Adriana.

Welcome to steemit ! I am dreaming as i see your pics. Have a beautiful day

thank you! you as well!

Hi Adriana! Welcome to Steem :-)

thank you!

Welcome to the best social media platform on the net @adrianavre I know you will love being part of this community of humans, animals, aliens, and bots who hang out here from time to time. Have fun contributing however you want such as ,post, comment, vote, follow, resteem. Power up some of your rewards too for the future. Tell your friends too, the more the merrier.

absolutely 😎 of course! thanks !

Beautiful pictures! And welcome to steemit 😀

Thank you! Much love!

Welcome to steemit...Adriana...^^

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