Introducing after 4 months - Was it too late ?

저의 소개를 해볼까 합니다.
이미 4개월이 지났으니 좀 늦은감이 있네요.

저는 Instrument 엔지니어입니다.
한국회사에서 20년정도 근무를 했고지금은 쿠웨이트의 정유공장으로 다니고 있습니다.
가족들과 같이 쿠웨이트에서 생활하고 있으며, 아이들은 현지 학교를 다니고 있구요.
쿠웨이트에 온지 10년 정도 되니 집사람도 아이들도 한국보다는 쿠웨이트를 더 편하게 생각하는거 같습니다.

비트코인은 3년전에 알게되었고,
그후 비트쉐어관련된 밴드에 가입하면서 비트쉐어 매니아가 되었습니다.
여러가지 알트코인에 관심을 가졌었읍니다.
비트쉐어, 우정, 뮤즈, 플레이 등등… 제대로 성공한 코인이 거의 없네요…ㅎㅎ
지난여름에 스팀을 알게 되었고, 9월초에 스팀잇에 가입을 하였습니다.
다행히 밴드분들 덕분에 여러가지 새로운 소식도 접하고, 도움도 많이 받고 있습니다.
컴맹인 저에게 밴드분들의 조언과 도움은 나침반같은 존재입니다.
개인적으로 상당히 안타깝지만…. 전자공학과를 졸업하고, 플랜트 Control System을 담당하는 엔지니어가 컴맹입니다….ㅜ.ㅜ

처음 스팀잇에 가입하고, 스팀을 사서 파워업을 하고, 글과 사진을 포스팅하고, 보팅을 하고…
지난 4개월은 저의 모든 일상이 스팀과 함께였습니다.
글쓰는 재주가 없어서 할수있는건 핸드폰으로 찍은사진이 대부분입니다.
집사람도 제가 스팀잇을 하는 시간을 이해해주고 있어서 다행입니다.
스팀잇은 저에게 일기장과 같은 의미인거 같습니다.
가족들과 저의 생활이 고스란히 담겨있으니까요…..^^

4개월이 지나고나니,
팔로워 327명, 포스팅 727개, 팔로잉 562명, Reputation는61이 되었네요.
이 모든 숫자들이 저에게는 깊은 의미가 있습니다.
어느 한순간에 이루어진게 아니고…. 매일매일 조금씩 키워온… 숫자 이상의 의미 입니다.
물론 여러분들의 도움과 격려가 없었으면 불가능한 일이었지요…^^

올해에는 스팀이 한단계 더 도약하는 해가 되기를 기원합니다.
올해에는 여러분 모두 즐거운 일들이 가득하기를 기원합니다…^^

Hello my friends,
Let me introduce myself. 4 months have already passed since my joining in Steemit.

My name is Lee.
I am Korean and an Refinery Instrument engineer.
When I was working with a Korean company, I worked overseas for plant construction.
(Plant for Refinery, Fertilizer, Terminal … in various countries like Iran, Qatar, Nigeria, UAE, Kuwait…)
I came to Kuwait with my family 10 years ago.
And I joined with Refinery in Kuwait months before.
It's been 10 years, so my wife and children are seem to feel more comfortable in Kuwait than Korea.

I came to know about Bitcoin three years ago.
I became a Bitshare enthusiast after joining the Bitshare related band.
I was interested in various kinds of Altcoins.
Bitshare, FSC, MUSE, PLAY etc ... very few successful coins ... haha
Finally, I got to know Steem last summer and joined Steemit 4 months before.
Fortunately, thanks to the band, we have also gotten a lot of new news and lots of help.
The advice and help of the band is a compass to me.
I cannot work well with computer even I was graduated from Electronics and engineer in charge of Plant Control System.
Personally I'm pretty sorry ... .... ㅜ. ㅜ

Early of September, I signed up for Steemit.
Continuing to buying steem and powering up, posting photos, voting ...
In the past four months, all my routine has been with Steemit.
Most of my posting is pictures taken with a mobile phone, because I don’t have writing skill.
Fortunately, my wife understand the my steeming.
When choosing photographs or translating them into English, I have advice from my two daughters and my wife.
Steemit seems to me like a diary and memory.
Because my family and my life are filled in it ... .. ^^

After four months,
327 followers, 727 posts, 562 followers, Reputation: 61.
All of these numbers have deep meaning to me.
It was not done in a moment ... . I did not take a day off every day.
Of course, it is impossible without the help and encouragement of many friends including you....^^

I hope that this year will be a year in which steam will leap forward.
I wish all of you a lot of luck in the new year....^_^

Thanks for visiting and voting ... ^^
If you like, follow me @abdullar


Why do you choose 'abdullar'? Sounded like an Arab. 😉😉😉 I love Korean movie.

because i'm living in kuwait... i selected Arabic name...^^

@abdullar Nice to meet you and a warm welcome. I really like your photo 👍🏼

Hello Lee! Thank you for turning your camera around. And just why do you say you can't write? A very interesting post.

thanks for warm encouraging ...^^

멋진 소개글 잘 읽었습니다. 꾸준히 활동하시는 모습이 정말 멋지세요. :)

감사합니다. 멋진 새해가 되기길 빕니다...^^

Nice story. I can relate a bit to the age old industry. I used to work in a place where petroleum and chemical are stored in many tanks.

many thanks...^^

you're welcome

Nice picture

Nice to meet you, great and good whrite.
Glad to have you onboard.



I have about the same history with steemit, but the numbers you've mentioned have no significance to me, just a stats. Can you elaborate on the significance they make to you?

I understand that 327 people are reading my posting.
If they like it, they will vote ... and the reputation will be increased based on the voting.
I shared my story... if they like... that is meaningful to me....^_^

Ah… that actually doesn’t mean they will read your story. It only means that when you post it, it will appear in their queue and if you are lucky they noticed it. That is if their queue isn’t very large and if people in their queue don’t post very often. Otherwise, your post would be buried under the flood of other posts and they may never notice it. Good luck with your Steemit career, though.

Maybe it is.
Thank you anyway....^^

I send you a warm welcome from Munich, Germany! I also wondered why your name is @abdullar although you publish in "kr". Now I know why. It's an interesting life story. Please show us a little bit more. All the best for 2017!

thanks for visiting and warm welcome...^^

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