2000+ followers reached! Thanks all for my 5 months steemit life

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Time passes and I have been in Steemit for 5 months. Thanks to Steemit, I changed my daily life and I know more about myself. And of course, thanks to every steemian! I just saw yesterday that my followers have been oven 2000!

不經不覺在Steemit已經5個月了,時間過得真的很快!很感謝Steemit這個平台,讓我改變了我的生活,亦重新認識了自己更多,最後,要多謝每一位Steemian! 昨天一看,原來我的followers已經超過2000人了!

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In the important milestone, let me introduce myself again to everyone that who know me already or who doesn’t know me. I am Aaron Li from Hong Kong. I was born in Hong Kong and grow up in Hong Kong. Before knowing steemit, my life is nothing special, go to work, off from work, back home and sleep, then go to work again… until I meet steemit.

In the very first stage I just randomly wrote something in Steemit. Later I started to try a topic that I am interested in and can keep writing to be a series. And there’s my Hong Kong Snapshot series. And I started to understand that, the topic I like most is still the place I was born, its features, its culture and its story. I am eager to share oo you all.

在這個重要的日子,讓我重新介紹一次自己,我叫Aaron Li,生活在香港,長大在香港,在知道Steemit之前,其實都是渾渾的過日子,上班、下班、睡覺、再上班,直到一個很偶然的機會認識了Steemit,我開始在網上打文章。


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My Hong Kong Snapshot series has come to vol. 47!

Steemit is an interesting platform. It is not like facebook or Instagram. We can easily meet people in different countries through steemit. I meet lot of friends in Hong Kong from steemit. It should be the first time I meet friends through the online world. And we had gathering soon. We become real friend. I also meet new friends from the mainland China, Taiwan, Philippian, Japan, UK, USA…etc. I can never expect that before.


Our last Steemit Hong Kong gathering! 我們上一次的聚會!

In the 5 months, it’s not easy to keep writing. Especially for my topics, I need to go out and take photos, to study the story and culture of the place and also to have research. But in the process, I know more about my home town, and I know more about what I really like. It’s the online game or TV shows for killing time. It’s the fun of going out and discover the story of a place.

Also, I share the moments of my work through steemit. They include my dance work and also my advertisement work. I believe it will be fun when I read them again 10 years after.

在Steemit 5個月,一直堅持寫文章其實不容易,尤其是我的題材,需要出外拍照,了解那個地方的故事文化,也要做資料的搜集,但這個過程中卻讓我認識了我的出生地更多,亦更加認清我真正喜愛的東西,不是打發時間的遊戲、不是消磨日子的電視節目,而是真真正正出外行走,發掘一個地方的故事的樂趣。


It’s just like enjoying a beautiful night

Your life in steemit depends on your attitude. Many people may just come for Steem, and they leave soon. But If you really have something that want to share, you will get the fun in steemit and Steem will come to your wallet unconsciously. At the end, I wish I may see my posts about culture and steemit, and wish all of you may find the happiness in Steemit!



Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!

Please Upvote and Follow me @aaronli








急升的車費也是很有成就感的事 XDDD






2000+ )0(
大佬大佬照住小弟 XDD

你才是大佬XD Curie大神眷顧的孩子 orz




恭喜 aa!!






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