Hello Everyone,
So this should have been my first post but I guess I was too eager to post other things. Let me introduce myself.
My name is Nene Imeh Udoh. I am from Akwa Ibom state of Nigeria. I am in my late twenties. The second of five children and a lawyer by profession. I went to the University of Abuja and the Nigerian Law School. Lagos respectively. I am a practicing Solicitor (Please contact me for any legal job) . I am engaged to be married to a great guy and who I can't wait to be his wife. I am God-fearing and a practicing Christian. I love life and I love loving people.
I hope to connect and to make real life changing friends on this platform. Please follow me and I will follow right back. PhotoGrid_1438183924270.jpg


Hi nice to have you here.. If you are in abuja then there is an Abuja based community you can join

Thank you but I am in Port Harcourt now.

Ooo ok..

Have you heard about #steemcamp???

There will be a Port Harcourt meetup/audition.

You will get to meet other great Nigerian Steemians.
I @jacobite will be there also.

Kindly follow @steemcamp for more details
Or message me on discord Jacobite#1316


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