An introduction from a nerd

What is up steemit, my name is Jonothan, I am from South Africa, and I am a nerd, gamer, geek and a wannabe YouTuber.

I have been wanting to do this for a while now but simply haven't gotten around to it, but here I am, introducing myself as it were.

I am 22 and I play games for fun, and I intend to use the footage of me doing so to start creating videos, critiquing them and just generally having fun while playing. I generally stick to RPG games, but tend to branch out if the game is worth it. My hopes are to help people in making an informed decision in buying a game. I want to entertain an audience and use YouTube as a way to get out of my bubble, I suffer from mild social anxiety, and although I have improved on it quite a bit in the last year, I still have a ways to go; Even writing an introduction for you has gotten me a little anxious, (What if they ignore the post, leave mean comments or something?) But that is a nonissue for now.

Another of my interests has definitely got to be cooking, or more precisely food. Food is my interest. I used to a bit of a plebian when it came to the cullinary arts. Ever since my girlfriend let me loose in the kitchen, only causing chaos a couple of times, i have a new appreciation for cooking and the work that goes into it. My signature dish being South African pancakes (crepes to the rest of the world, pannekoeke here) while not a complicated dish, i have perfected it. Unlike a microwave quiche i accidentaly set fire to a couple of years ago. Believe me, its best not to ask questions. My other marvellous creations include cookies, lasagne, home made pizza, various cakes, coconut ice, and of course burgers.

(The pancakes)

I have 3 cats,a set of twins, a dumb one and a fat one. not even a year old yet but almost as heavy as the older, and fatter (not by much) adult cat.

I enjoy writing too, which is one of the biggest reasons I am on this site, a place to voice my opinions and have my voice heard. Ever since highschool english I have loved writing but since finishing with school I haven't found much of a voice, until now. Writing this started out a little slow but the minute I got going the words just flowed through me, and it felt amazing. With that in mind, I intend to keep writing for the foreseeable future.

Well that's me, a geek with a heart of food and a desire to make my mark on this world with the power of the Internet, thank you for reading and have a great day.

Happy steeming.


Awesome and welcome! Resteemed cos my daughter's @yogidream.scapes very sweet boyfriend.

Welcome, Also from SA , but probably the complete opposite to you , Love eating though!

Welcome! I'm always looking for mare geeks around here.

Welcome to Steemit. No lack of geeks to hang out with and talk to here, that's for sure. :)

cool introduction! glad to meet you! :)

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