Worth it!!??!!??

Ok, it is 22:47 and I just climbed into bed.


Exhausted, to say the least but my workbooks are marked up to date, my planning for tomorrow’s lesson is finished, my tummy is full and my kids fast asleep! Any mothers dream!!!

After a hard day today, woke up early, getting ready for school, teaching, talking, explaining, watched little kids exchange valentine’s gifts, watching the expressions on their faces giving and receiving gifts are just priceless.

Now I know I will have to do it all over again tomorrow, but HEY, I first have to steem.
Getting followers are hard, but Rome wasn't built in a day .... or was it?

Is all of this worth it?
Is giving my everything worth it?
My time, my knowledge, the late nights and early mornings. Is this all really worth it????
Missing out on family time in the afternoon and evening. Getting home, make sure the kids eat lunch, start with dinner, eat stand up and start with planning or marking books for the next day??

I have been asking myself this question since I’ve started teaching and only you yourself can answer this.

I know getting up in the morning can be difficult for anyone..... including me as I like to sleep... a lot!!

If you are in teaching for the money in this country..... oh boy.......do I have news for you!!!

You start at 7:00 and leave at 3 in the afternoons, minimum admin periods, full day classes, sport, sometimes over exhausted but pushing yourself as far as possible. Making mistakes during a lesson, feeling tired, not in the mood for work can be damaging to your learners. Teaching them wrongly and trying to rectify that mistake is hard. Ask me I know.

Now remember, the kids in-front of you are also tired. Running from class to class, 9 periods in a day, 9 different subjects in a day. Of course they will be tired, just think if you have to take in so much info in one day. 9 different teachers too!! Goodness, I take my hat off for learners today, some still performing at their best, academically and on the sports field.

Getting back to my question..... Is this all worth it?
Yes!! For me a definte Yes.

If a learner can do it, why not me????
Teaching them everyday, their eyes glued on me as I teach, participating in the lesson and also feeling tired but giving their utmost best.
Seeing the result at the end of an assessment shows me that they want to perform, they show me that my classes are not boring, they are listening and putting everything they learn into something they gain from.

Thank you once again learners for making my early mornings and late evenings worth the while.

This teacher is calling it a day.......zzzzz

Thank you and good night 🌙😴💤..........


hello ,I up voted ,re steem and followed .
I hope to be strong like you .

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