Hello friend steemit, here I want to introduce myself to all friends steemit, my name is Malikul.

Hello friend steemit, wherever you are, are you all healthy? I'm sure you're all in good health, although there's a bit of an unhealthy hehe (kidding).
On this occasion I would like to introduce myself to all my friends steemit, just my name malikul commonly called in malik, but not zayn malik hehe, I come from aceh, which is located in indonesia precisely at the tip of Indonesia, you must have heard about The Tsunami of ACEH that happened in 2004 on December 14th, from where I came from, my steemit friends have heard about the beauty of Sabang Island visited by many people outside the city and abroad, I am from 4 siblings and my first child, I have 1 younger brothers and 2 girls they are all extraordinary -_-, I am 19 years old I like to swim, hear music, traveling, playing games and so forth. And I have a unique goal of being a person who can finish the game COC (clash of clan): v. I join steemit because I want to try new things and not depend on the parents anymore, I want to be a person who can make my parents happy without having to be financed by them, it's not silly haha my message to all friends steemit to always vote my and Follow me, so many of my gratitude I hope the best friends entertained with the introduction of myself to my best friends.

Hallo sahabat steemit, dimanapun anda berada, apakah kalian semua sehat ? saya yakin kalian semua dalam keadaan sehat, walaupun ada sedikit yang kurang sehat hehe(kidding).
Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin memperkenalkan diri kepada seluruh sahabat steemit sekalian, langsung saja nama saya malikul yang biasa di panggil malik, tapi bukan zayn malik hehe, saya berasal dari aceh, yang berlokasikan di indonesia tepatnya di ujung indonesia, pastinya kalian pernah mendengar tentang Tsunami ACEH yang terjadi tahun 2004 tggl 14 Desember nah dari situlah saya berasal, pastinya sahabat steemit sekalian pernah mendengar tentang keindahan pulau sabang yang banyak di kunjungi oleh orang orang luar kota maupun luar negeri,saya dari 4 saudara dan saya anak pertama pastinya, saya memiliki 1 adik laki laki dan 2 perempuan mereka semua luar biasa bandelnya -_-, saya berumur 19 tah* item* itemun saya gemar berenang,mendengar musik, traveling, bermain game dan lain sebagainya. dan saya memiliki cita cita yang unik yaitu menjadi seorang yang bisa menamatkan game COC (clash of clan) :v. Saya bergabung dengan steemit dikarenakan saya ingin mencoba hal baru dan tidak bergantungan kepada orang t# headerua lagi, saya ingin menjadi orang yang bisa membahagiakan orang tua saya tanpa harus dibiayai oleh mereka, bukankan itu konyol haha pesan saya kepada seluruh sahabat steemit agar selalu meng vote saya dan follow saya, sekian dari saya terimakasih semoga sahabat sekalian terhibur dengan perkenalan diri saya kepada sahabat sekalian.


Welcome to the community!

Welcome to steemit

Welcome 2 steemit

Hi @saidaryary I hope you a lot of fun on steemit, you welcome!!!

Welcome to Steem Community @saidaryary! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

Welcome to Steem @saidaryary I have upvoted and sent you a tip

thanks you my frinds :)

Hello ! I am @digital-gypsy , nice to meet you @Saidaryary ! Welcome to Steemit and all the best for your posting

22nd of September is my birthday as well, and for that sir I shall follow you.

thanks you my friend

Welcome to steemit, Good luck with the COC goal. We look forward to seeing more from you here on steemit, and we really enjoyed the dual language aspect of your post. Steem on!

Welcome. this is a great platform for blogging. I look forward to following you :)

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