I am the Rockman - Don James, Roswell NM

in #introducemyself8 years ago (edited)

   My name is Donald James.

   My Wife Andrea and I own a rock, fossil, & gem store here in Roswell NM

   We also sell Christian novelties and supplies. Many people have asked ; how do we mix rocks and God in our store. My first inclination is to say “We’re in Roswell. A lot of strange mixes happen here. :-) ”  

   Then I quote John 1:3 – "Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made" (NIV). 

   Minerals are just one form of God’s art work. 

   Collecting rocks & minerals is a childhood fascination that was revived about 12 years ago in my adult life. In 1968, my sister and I were attending a science club at the Buffalo museum of natural sciences.  

   In the museum was a gift shop that had minerals and fossils for sale. My favorite was the trilobite fossils. Back then there were only about a couple hundred known species of trilobites. So they were considered  very rare. (Now there are over 5,000 different known species.) A small broken trilobite was selling for about $25.00. In today’s terms that’s equivalent to about $250.00. So needless to say, that for a poor eight year old inner city boy to come up with $25.00, was impossible. They might as well have been asking for $1,000.00. 

   As time passed I had discovered a cliff in my neighborhood that had fossils in it. I started digging there pretty regularly, in hopes of finding a trilobite. I found a lot of shells and corals, but never the big prize :-(. When I brought them home to show my parents, I got no encouragement. My father said “That won’t get you anywhere in life.”  When my mother found out that my dig site was near railroad tracks, she put an immediate stop to my digging adventures.

   While I still had a fascination, as I got older my interest became almost non-existent: until twelve years ago. 

   I was an appliance repair man for a local company. I had a washer repair job at an elderly gentleman’s home. In his front yard, is a marine anchor, the size of a car, with a chain. Each link of the chain is about 12” long. I quickly found out that this man used to salvage things out of lake Erie. This was one of the things he salvaged. 

   He took me down in the basement where the washer was. As we we walked there, we passed through a dark room and in the faint light I could see what looked like gold glittering on one of the tables there. We went into the room with the washer which I quickly repaired ( a simple fix). As we were walking out I asked him if he also hunted for gold on his salvage trips. With a puzzled look he said “No, why?” 

   I told about seeing what looked like gold in the dark room. With a hearty chuckled he said “That’s not gold, those are pyritized ammonites.” With that he turned a light on and I saw several tables full of fossils. “I dig for these at the old Penn Dixie Site” He explained that it was an old rock quarry that they used to make cement and concrete from. The company folded and stopped digging just above the Permian layer.  

   “I dig fossils and make shadow boxes with them” He promptly showed me one of the boxes. Inside it were mounted shells, corals, and two trilobites (one flat and one rolled). I quickly asked how much he was selling them for. He said $25.00. My mind immediately went back to 1968 when I couldn’t buy one broken trilobite for $25.00, and here this guy is selling a box of fossils with two whole trilobites in it. I pulled out my wallet, gave him twenty five dollars and said “ When will it be ready?” He said “By the weekend.” 

  Now I had my trilobite.   

  A year or two later we moved to the south side of Buffalo. As I was driving down a street on this side of the city, I noticed a store with a huge Triceratops skull sitting in the front yard.  My curiosity got the best of me, so I stopped to investigate.  It turn out to be a rock and fossil shop. 

  I was hooked. Before I knew it I was going there every time I had extra money to buy something. Within a few months I had accumulated several hundred specimens in my collection. I also found out more information about the Penn Dixie site and it’s location.  I went there and signed up for a membership to Hamburg mineralogical society (which now owns the Penn Dixie site). After a few outings and a lot of digging I unearthed my first Trilobite.

  It is now a treasured piece in my collection.

  In 2009, We relocated to Roswell NM, bringing my entire collection, as well as a 100’ truck and 2 vehicles full of personal belongings. After settling into our new home, I began setting up my collection displays in the front room with our pool table in it. I wanted to call it my “man cave” but Andrea said “No way in H...”  :-(

  I continued collecting, mostly by buying on line. One day Andrea jokingly said “ You know, you need to do something to support your “habit”.”  I took her seriously and started selling out of our garage. I later tried a flea market that didn’t work out so well. Then we rented a booth at an indoor flea market. We did alright there for a few months. 

   Then one day, a store front right on the four corners of downtown Roswell became available. I told Andrea, if we couldn’t make it work there, we might as well give up trying. So we took out a loan and rented the store. We’ve been here four years now. It’s been a rough ride, but praise God, we’re still here. I retired from the appliance repair business last March to devote more time to the store. We weren’t sure of we could afford such a drastic step, but we took a leap of faith...

   Business has doubled since then. 

  I’m still collecting and have accumulated over 700 specimens. I have no more room to display new pieces so if I find something I absolutely can’t live without, I have to trade one of my existing specimens for it. That makes for a good system of checks and balances. I will continue to sell and collect as long I have strength and breath. 

   So much for early retirement :-)

  If ever you're in Roswell New Mexico, I'd be honored to have you drop in and tell me yopu learned about us from this Steemit profile! Email me to let me know you're coming [email protected] or just call anytime 575-623-2222. Our website is www.AncientofDays.net
  As I learn more about how this works, I want for our store to be able to accept orders via PayPal and/or STEEM! Just contact me any way you like with questions about where I am in that process, if you've an interest in collectible geodes, fossils, petrified wood, etc. 


Donald welcome to Steemit. I liked your post so much I Restreemed it.

Very nice of you @gamgam ! I'm local here and helping Donald get started on Steemit and I didn't even think to do that, haha!

Thank you . I 'm new to steemit and can use all the help I can get .

Thank you. The pic is just part of a 700+ collection.

Wow, impressive. Do yo sell on Ebay too?

I have posted on ebay. Not alot of success. There is an excessively large competition there. Type in any type of mineral and you will see thousands of listings. I do buy on ebay. There can be many good deals there.

Have you sold any other products on Ebay besides minerals?

i have listed a few things. an antiques movie camera (wind-up), I can't remember off hand what else. Andrea has also listed and sold some things. It takes something I have little to none of - T&P :-)

Welcome! i could spend hours in stores like yours. do you have crystals?

Yes, we have many different crystals. Thankyou for your vote.

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Nice to see a fellow steemian close by to me! I live in El Paso.

Nice to meet you. Thanks for the vote.

Hey there and welcome - I just have to ask: living in roswell, how many tourists do you get of the UFO nut variety?

Thank you. We get a wide variety of people here. Some could be construed as "fanatical". A lot of UFO believers are very intelligent and serious about their beliefs. We get some unusual and entertaining conversations here.

Welcome to Steemit Donald, I love your collection. Rocks, crystals and nature called me as a young girl and now I have them everywhere. lol

Thank you. The items in the pic is part of a 700+ piece collection.

Please make a post with more photos of the interesting collection of your store.

Thank you for your interest in our store. We are currently working on an online store as part of our website. You can go to the site by clicking on the the highlighted rock,fossil,& gem store at the top of the post. We are still working on getting more inventory into the site. The rocks in the photo are part of my personal collection at home. I hadn't thought about posting more detailed photos of it, so thanks for the encouragement. I wasn't sure how much interest there would be. I 'll start taking pics when I get home.

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