My name is Rooneey...

in #introducemyself7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians all over the world.. How are you doing?. Well.. I have not posted anything on my account for almost a week because I was so very busy with my work in campus and with my business. So far, I only resteemed and commented on someone's posts because i have no enough time to post anything and that was so busy week.

Hi steemians di seluruh dunia .... Apa kabar?..... Saya belum mengirimkan apapun di akun saya selama hampir seminggu karena saya sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaan saya di kampus dan bisnis saya. Sejauh ini, saya hanya resteem dan berkomentar mengenai postingan seseorang karena saya tidak punya cukup waktu untuk mengeposkan apapun karena seminggu tersebut merupakan minggu yang sangat sibuk bagi saya.

Today, i wanna share a little bit about my self and my daily activity during that week. My name is Roneey. I am a Lecturer in a university and also an administration staff in a Language laboratory in Economics and business faculty of Malikussaleh University. In my break time, my students always come and talk about their classes.

Hari ini, saya ingin berbagi sedikit tentang diri dan aktivitas keseharian saya selama minggu itu. Saya Roneey. Saya adalah seorang Dosen di universitas dan juga staf administrasi di laboratorium Bahasa di bidang Ekonomi dan fakultas bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh. Dalam waktu istirahat saya, murid-murid saya selalu datang dan berbicara tentang kelas mereka.

I have been a lecturer for almost seven years and I love teaching verymuch. When people ask me about my hobby, I always answer that my hobby is teaching. I believe that teaching is my way to get happiness by sharing knowledge to all the people around me. Besides, talking, sharing, discussing, and also having time with students are also another activity that make me happy in running this life.

Saya telah menjadi dosen selama hampir tujuh tahun dan saya sangat suka mengajar sangat banyak. Ketika orang bertanya kepada saya tentang hobi saya, saya selalu menjawab bahwa hobiku mengajar. Saya percaya bahwa pengajaran adalah cara saya untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan dengan berbagi pengetahuan kepada semua orang di sekitar saya. Selain, berbicara, berbagi, berdiskusi, dan juga punya waktu bersama siswa juga merupakan aktivitas lain yang membuat saya senang dalam menjalankan hidup ini.

Sometimes, my students ask me to join with them when they are taking pictures like wefie or mybe selfi. I always say to them that I am not only your teacher or lecturer, but also your friend for sharing anything. Frequently, when I go to coffee shop, I meet them and have coffee together.

Kadang-kadang, Mahasiswa-mahasiswa saya meminta saya untuk bergabung bersama mereka untuk ber selfi atau Wefie bersama. Saya selalu mengatakan kepad mereka bahwa saya bukan hanya Guru atau Dosen kalian, tetapi juga teman kalian tempat sharing. Seringkali ketika saya ke warung kopi, saya bertemu dengan mereka dan kami menikmati kopi bersama.

I have been teaching for so long and have many students who have graduated from university. Moreover, I teach in more than one university. So, the graduations of those universities have alumnus and become my friends now. Wherever i go, i can meet one of them.

Saya sudah mengajar cukup lama dan memiliki banyak mahasiswa yang sudah tamat dari universitas dan menjadi alumni. Apalagi saya mengajar lebih dari satu universitas. Jadi, para lulusan dari universitas tersebut sudah menjadi alumni dan telah menjadi kawan saya sekarang. Kemanapun saya pergi, saya bisa menjumpai salah satu dari mereka.

Almost all of them have been working in famous institutions or companies. For example, when i get in to a bank to save my money or to do anything, I always meet one of them working there either as a teller or as customer service there. Almost every bank in my city has a staff graduated from universities where I am teaching now.

Hampir semua dari mahasiswa saya sudah berkerja di intitusi-institusi atau perusahaan-perusahaan yang ternama. Contohnya, ketika saya masuk ke sebuah bank untuk menyimpan uang atau melakukan apapun, saya selalu berjumpa dengan mahasiswa saya dulu yang sekarang sudah berkerja disana baik sebagai Teller atau Customer Service disana. Hampir semua bank di kota saya memiliki alumni atau lulusan dari universitas dimana saya mengajar sekarang.

Being a Teacher/Lecturer is not only a profession for me, but it is also a way to be a meaningful person for the others. I have ever tried to apply for the job in a Company as a Staff and i was accepted in that position, but i cannot work for more than a month there because my soul says that this is not me, I cannot do what I don't love to do. I am a teacher, educator, lecturer or tutor. I have to teach and give everything to people around. I have to help people in this country in order to help them to be better generation in the future.


Menjadi seorang guru/Dosen bukan hanya profesi bagi saya, akan tetapi ini juga merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjadi orang yang berguna bagi orang lain. Saya pernah melamar pekerjaan sebagai seorang staff di salah satu perusahaan dan saya pun di terima disana, akan tetapi saya hanya bisa bertahan disana selama satu bulan saja karena menurut saya ini bukanlah saya, saya tidak bisa mengerjakan sesuatu yang tidak saya cintai. Saya adalah guru, pendidik, Dosen, atau tutor. Saya harus mengajar and berbagi ilmu kepada orang-orang disekitar saya. Saya harus menolong orang-orang di negeri tercinta ini agar menjadi generasi yang lebih baik kelak.

If somebody asks me "when you will stop teaching?", I will stop teaching when I cannot share anything anymore. Maybe when I have been in agony, or die. For me teaching is not a job, this is a hobby and I have to do this to make myself happy and to make people around become better because of me. I am proud to be like who i am now. In my opinion, being as you want to be is a must because you cannot be others. Just be yourself and you can make yourself happy and people around will feel happy because of you. Thanks

Jikalau ada orang yang bertanya kepada saya" kapan kamu akan berhenti mengajar?", Saya akan berhenti mengajar ketika sya sudah tidak bisa sharing ilmu lagi. Mungkin karena saya sudah sekarat atau mati. Bagi saya, mengajar bukanlah pekerjaan, ini adalah hobbi bagi saya dan saya harus mengajar untuk membuat saya tetap bahagia and orang-orang disekitar saya bahagia karena saya. Saya bangga menjadi saya sekarang. Bagi saya, menjadi seperti yang kamu hendaki adalah keharusan karena kamu tidak akan bisa menjadi orang lain. Jadilah diri sendiri dan kamu akan membuat dirimu bahagia dan orang-orang disekitar kamu akan merasa bahagia karena mu. Thanks.

Follow me @rooneey.


Hey there , how are you doing ?
It is great to have you join us here in the steemit community, we are glad you are part of this successful community, I hope you have a great time here , would be looking forward to reading more of your posts. Really nice pictures you have there, hope you would have the time to do some write ups
Hey you can follow my page and check out my post , I'm sure you would like them
Wecolme again . Have a great Time here

Thanks my buddy

Seamat Bergabung di Steemit @rooneey
Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia :)

Terima Kasih banyak bang

Selamat bergabung. Mri saling follow

HI .... welcome to steemit platform ..I upvoted and commented on your post...I have created a fb page " steemit global community" join us...we will give you all the help needed.
Follow me on @abdullahkhattak...

Welcome to Steemit! Stick around for the long term though and follow some established authors here to quickly learn and grow with the community.If you have any doubts, you can always join and ask for #help.

keren pak rooney :D

Welcome :)!


Here a few tips for starters snce you probably won't get any advice from those who comment under here, here's what I gathered thus far.
It's tough to make money at first so if that's your main cause to be on here grind that into your head straight away, that doesn't mean you shouldn't post content, you should, but enganging with others in the comment sections to grow your following is your best bet. Which categories?

Probably the introduce yourself one and the photography section but you can choose things that you have knowledge about too and then go from there just know that there is a lot of crap on here so plowing through that just to connect with others can be tough. Cheers.

perubahan sebuah negara hanya atas jasa jasa seorang guru.. bagaimana negara ini kedepan sangat tergantung bagaimana kualitas pendidik genarasi abngsa itu sendri. terimakasih atas semangat, ilmu, sekaligus motivasi untuk saya..

hanya saran tulisan dalam bahasa inggris bagusnya di miringkan seraya menggunakan >

contoh ;

If somebody asks me "when you will stop teaching?", I will stop teaching when I cannot share anything anymore.Maybe I have been in agony, or die. For me teaching is not a job, this is a hobby and I have to do this to make myself happy and to make people around become better because of me. I am proud to be like who i am now. In my opinion, being as you want to be is a must because you cannot be others. Just be yourself and you can make yourself happy and people around will feel happy because of you. Thank.

lon edit aju...hahahhaha
Thank you

okey sip. photo neu enter sigo teuk nak rapi postingan

Nice to meet you, @rooneey! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

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