10 The introduction post - finally

in #introducemyself7 years ago (edited)

I planned to do this awesome mind-blowing introduction post but it got built up too much and now I lost all confidence. But here I go and you will just have to take what you get ;)
I will tell the story with a few stanzas from my novel in stanza-form in progress, the woman wanderer. Why is this novel written in stanzas? Well, you have to ask Pushkin's Onegin.

"A strong desire burned inside
her, pushing her to learn
by self destructive ways -
pushing her to seek the truth
behind the mask, pushing her
to fail and ask for more again."


At the age of 16 I went to Palm Springs as an exchange student for one year and didn't come back.

"There were always pools
in a hot desert town in
Southern California, and
the nights were sultry
and the beer was cold."

She loved the life in California
and she was so in love with Dan."

Well, high school ended and so did the sweet romance with Dan. I left the desert and tried college, fell in love with this charming guy in my class and six weeks later we took the old Ford Mustang convertible (sorry, just stating facts) to Las Vegas, stole a white cocktail dress on the way because we had no money, and got married the next day in the little white wedding chapel. 18 months later the boy was born and at the age of 22, I was back home in Berlin, divorced and a single mother. My parents were thrilled and I was completely disenchanted and overwhelmed.

"She did not know what
she was doing, but
she did it anyway..."

And I did it all again, my second wedding dress was black. But enough of the details, the years went on and so did the drama. Self destructive ways, remember.


What now, she asked,
what shall I do? Again
she did not know."

All of this was long ago and long is the journey. I started to learn and learned how to see and to understand the signs, and then I found the Runes. Sounds crazy but it's true. Here I am now, a wandering learner, a lover of life and all the good things.

"Three times she burned -
three times she lived, and
her soul became fire."


My poetry is inspired by the Old Spirit whose song is carried through the Ages by the Great Singer.

"When darkness lays out its
covers over the rainbow
and Arianrhod lifts up her
silver arms - amazing those
who know her secret."

If you have made it until here, you truly must be crazy and I like crazy people. If you also happen to be German like me or German speaking and like to read, feel free to check out my books on you know where. Here is a cover to look for:

Die Alexanderfrage

If you have a long attention span and enjoy watching videos about poetry, literature and history, have a drink of the golden Met and visit me here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJEjpKD77lwoMAZ4kBu2DqQ

Thank you and Cheers!


Hello and welcome @nacktepoesie!

Thanks for the emotional post. You had so far a interesting life and you choose very good pictures. I'm happy for you that you decided to use steemit. I will follow you to see more good post from you. Next time we can talk in german if you want too. I wish you good luck,

Hallo und vielen Dank. Steemit ist bisher ein aufregendes Abenteuer und ich bin gespannt, wohin es mich bringt. Ich sehe, du hast noch nichts geposted, werde aber mal zurück folgen und der Dinge warten, die da noch kommen mögen ;) Liebe Grüße

Hallo @nacktepoesie !

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Anscheinend hast Du das erste Mal auf #deutsch geschrieben.
Willkommen bei Steemit !
Schau doch mal im https://steemit.chat/channel/deutsch vorbei !

Ok, danke für die Einladung.

Klingt nach einer sehr spannenden Lebensgeschichte.
Ich hoffe dass ich irgendwann mehr davon hören darf!
Was anderes: Spielst du mit?

Als Puzzle Königin kann ich dazu nicht nein sagen ;)

Welcome to steemit! I am new here myself and love the platform of steemit so far. I am going to Follow you to keep up with your progress!
Good Luck fellow Steemian,

Interesting post.

Ich hab Onegin gefragt. Der meinte: Frag halt Puschkin. Der war irgendwie nicht auffindbar. Evtl. mal wieder im Duell.

Wahrscheinlich;) Die alte Drama Queen kann's nicht lassen.

Und wie immer sind natürlich die Frauen schuld ;)

Thank you very much for this very deep post it makes pleasure to read a post full of emotions ... I thank you very much for choosing very nice picture
I follow you

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it.

Schieb da als Tag noch "introduceyourself" rein und streiche einen anderen Tag. So wirst Du mehr Leute ansprechen, die täglich obigen Tag abgrasen.

Danke! Erledigt!

Awesome @nacktepoesie. Beautiful writing. English is my first language and I cannot craft the language as well as you do.

I am definitely carzy though. If you check out my last video post you will see. lol. No German from me unfortunately but always willing to learn.

Welcome to steemit.com, let me know if there is anything I can help with fellow aspiring writer.


Fish from Australia @beachbuminvestor

Ok, I will have a look at you. I like your name ;)

Can't find the post you are talking about. Do you have a link?

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