Introducemyself, Hi guys! I'm Laura Granado

Hi guys, my name is Laura Granado, I'm from Venezuela. I am 22 years old and together with my sister we are the youngest of 3 brothers. Yes, I'm a twin (it's beautiful). I love social networks, I love my country and hurts me so much to have left it, but above all to be away from my family. I love the rock music, the puppies and the venezuelan food. I love the cold, I hate the heat and I do not like the beach. I currently live in Brazil and I hope to share with you guys my experiences from day to day. Follow me, it's free!25017409_1589312974478037_3335979095409295360_n.jpg

I hope we all help us in this big and awesome community! lets follow me its free, kisses and hugs.


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