Welcome to me!!

in #introducemyself8 years ago (edited)

It’s supposed to that the first post that I made had to be about me begining in the steemit world, but it wasn’t, because I already have an idea of what I wanted to talk about, that’s why now I’m going to do the post of...

Welcome to who? To me!!

First of all I want to thank the previous users that give me excellent advices and congratulated me in my first post (@gargon @cryptomental @gomeravibz @joechez).

Continuing the publication, my name is Katherine Gaspare I'm 21 years old I live in Venezuela, originally from Puerto La Cruz. I'm a brunette girl with brown eyes and curly hair, fairly tall, friendly, funny, and if you may allow smart, and pretty.

I have a lot of hobbies but the most important of all it would be to make money! I like to enjoy of pleasures of life but to do that here in this country you need to be a rich person, if you don't want to be all your life with debts. Also I like to travel of course, do crafts, know every tip about makeup and curly hair, I like to do exercise but in my case to do that I have to eat a lot, but A LOT!! I'm not kidding, If I don't do it, I start to lose weight and as I say in my previous post find food here and pay for that, first is difficult and second is expensive.

So, now you get it! to do what I want I need money.

Others hobbies are listen to music, read, dance (I love salsa especially casino and merengue by the way), write (like a songwriter), play my guitar, sing, walk my dog, go to the beach, watch movies especially sciense fiction, romance, action, and cartoons, also I like anime and manga.

I don't like horror or thriller; in that respect I am very fearful.

I like to bake, and I like to cook. Before this crazy inflation everybody loved my "tres leches" cake.

I don't know yet what is going to be my categories of topics, but knowing me as I know myself, I will talk about a little of everything that awakes a curiosity inside of my brain.

As you could notice I like business, firstly what has to be with being a merchandiser.

All my life my father has taught me that to have a boss is an obstacle to achieve your goals, that is better if you have your own company in every sense of the sentence.

It's better in what you earn because you decide how much do you want in a year, in a month, in a week or in a day, you don't have any pressure besides your own and you don't have a limit of evolution, "The sky is the limit".

So after you understand the concept and have your aims set up, then you just need to find out or look for what activity can give you what you want.

After I realized that I didn't want to have anymore a boss and I thank my dad every day of my life for teaching me that.

Instead my mother taught me how to be strong, independent, even of my parents, intelligent, cautious, and always look beyond what you see.

I'm very proud of them, and they are one of my reasons to accomplish what I want. I want them to be proud of me, of their daughter as I am of them. I want to open my eyes one day and have the tools to give them everything that they want and more...

Enough of theatrics, now continuing the subject I like the people who are very direct even if is something bad that they will tell me, I prefer it, beacuse truly friends in my opinion should be like that. That's the case of my boyfriend, he's very direct, supportive, funny, and cheerful, but most important of all he's my friend, I can tell him whatever I want and he will listen to me without make conclusions or wrong ideas.

Another thing that you should know is that I love languages if it was for me I will learn more than 6, in fact I want to do it, and I'm going to do it, but for the moment I just know 2: spanish and english.

I want to know how to speak french, russian, german, japanese, chinese, italian, portuguese and korean. In all it would be 10 languages, can you imagine that! it would be so awsome!! And with that also visit the corresponding countries.

I think that's almost everything I can say about me, I don't know what else to tell you about me and my life. I imagine that maybe in the next post you will know a little more, as I say we never get to know a person entirely.

So see you around!


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