IndéNodes - a new business for the SuperNET ecosystem

in #introducemyself8 years ago (edited)

A full team to work on Komodo nodes.

We have created a real company to professionally manage Komodo nodes and to develop the SuperNET ecosystem. IndéNodes is not just 4 notary nodes, it’s 4 people involved too: 

  • Eclips is our server manager and developer (C++, Java, Flex, JasperReports). He is an experienced engineer (3 years in an important telecommunication company) and he is already working full time taking care of our servers.
  • Yassin is our social media manager. He is a very trusted escrow in the crypto-world. He has great connections in the SuperNET and other crypto-communities.
  • Jean-Philippe ‘Soldat’ Nappo is our marketing manager and strategist. His experience in sales and as an crypto-activist, lends greatly to what IndéNodes is trying to achieve. In 2017, he’ll be available full time to find us commercial opportunities and negotiate deals with partners. He also has the skills to help Eclips to maintain our nodes if need be.
  • Lionel ‘Ludom’ Jeannerat is our administrator. He is an experienced entrepreneur and has founded several companies. He will take care of administrative related tasks. He’ll also helping Soldat in the marketing and strategy.

Our team are complementary and believe that the success of IndéNodes and SuperNET are interwind. 

A strategy based on the development of the SuperNET ecosystem

IndéNodes can’t grow alone. We need a healthy and dynamic ecosystem around us to develop our business.

  • The benefit of our activities will be entirely reinvested. Partly in the IndéNodes development, partly in the ecosystem around us. In SuperNET, we’ll invest in new ventures and we’ll donate for marketing actions.
  • The IndéNodes’ team will be involved in the development of SuperNET. We are available to organise meetups and be present for some crypto-event, especially in France and Switzerland. It’s always good to have an IRL company to speak with big fishes. 
  • We want to develop our own tools to manage our nodes and share it to the community. 

Solidarity is important to make SuperNET successful. Our revenue from the notary nodes will be reinvested back into the ecosystem. 

Independent and trustful frogs for the “lizards’ projects”

IndéNodes is not a project launched by jl777 or the Komodo team. We are three French speakers (2 French and 1 Swiss) who has taken this decision independently of the SuperNET/Komodo team.

  • We believe that SuperNET needs a more decentralised leadership model if it wants to succeed.
  • Lionel ‘Ludom’ is a trusted and respectful member of the SuperNET community, but he has no hesitation to be critical of jl777 decisions if it warrants it. 
  • The team is also involved in other communities such as CryptoFr. They are appreciated and their identities are public. Yassin is the most trusted escrow in the SuperNET, Nxt and Iota communities.
  • IndéNodes works in French and can develop a complementary network of businesses that English speakers can’t build. 

Trust and independence are the two sides of the IndéNodes “coin”. It’s a good partner for SuperNET in French speaking countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Magreb, Africa). 

Transparency and stability to build a solid confidence and to reach long term ambitions

Transparency is one of the most important values in the new economy based on the p2p interactions. It’s more true for IndéNodes that want to manage ‘notary’ nodes.

  • We will publish regularly, a public summary of our financial and marketing activities. That’s important to explain to the community how we are helping in the development of the ecosystem.
  • We planned different stages in the development of IndéNodes, we’ll communicate our goals and the status of their achievement.
  • In the future, we want to build our own servers’ infrastructure: secure and sustainable. These developments will be shared to the community. 

Communication and transparency needs work and regularity but it’s also a kind of investment for us and the credibility of SuperNET’s notary nodes. 

Our goals

Let’s speak about our agenda, it’s the first step to be transparent. It’s also the best way to reach them.

  1. We want to be elected as komodo notary node in Europe area. France and Switzerland is our headquarters. 
  2. We want to be elected as komodo notary node in the 3 other areas. We want to develop our activities in the French speaking area and develop partnerships around the world.
  3. Stabilise our server infrastructure and develop the tools to manage efficiently our notary node.
  4. Prepare the administrative tools to make easier our transparency ambitions.
  5. Using our servers to run different crypto-platforms nodes, developing services such as staking/forging pools (Waves, Nxt/Ardor, etc)
  6. When we reached our primary goals, we’ll upgrade our company in something bigger. We’ll be a commercial company based on dPoW assets ownership. 

In conclusion, we need to build and maintain the notary nodes, then work hard to achieve technical and financial stability. When our transparency and competence are proven, we’ll diversify and develop our activities to reach new ambitions.  


Good luck with your project :-)

We'll work hard, it's exciting to launch a start up in crypto world.

Welcome to steemit @indenodes【ツ】Cheers!

Thanks. I know the steemit platform from SuperNET. Lot of people use it.

Welcome to steemit! Upvoted followed and resteemed!!!

Thanks for your support.

Komodo got a great tech and will be in top 10 by Jan 2018 with their zero knowledge privacy coin, multicurrency wallet, decentralized exchange and white-labeled ICO launch platform. Hope your company will succeed too. Good Luck Ludom :)

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