
Halo steemit..
Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri
Saya omen dari lhokseumawe-aceh
Kalian tahu tsunami??
Ya, gempa & tsunami pernah menghancurkan negeri para aulia ini. Tapi, menurut saya bencana itu merupakan kasih dan sayang dari tuhan dan saya menyakini itu.
Tuhan maha pengasih dan penyayang, sudah dikasihi disayang lagi. Di aceh, semua bernilai tinggi, mulai dari kehidupan (kearifan lokal) sampai hasil buminya. Minyak bumi, gas, rempah-rempah, batu cimcin, kopi sampai ganjanya. Anda tahu kopi di aceh ini sangat khas sekali, minum kopi adalah budaya kami.


Aktifitas keseharian sebagai tenaga pengajar disalah satu lembaga pendidikan formal sekolah menengah kejuruan di lhokseumawe. Pekerjaan yang sudah terpola setiap harinya, aktifitas saya terkesan monoton, yah...rutinitas yang monoton tapi saya menikmati itu.
Soal musik, saya masih menikmati genre street punk, grincore, hardcorepunk, skinhead, ska, regge, death metal, qasidah dan saya suka sekali.
Scooter?..sampai hari ni sy masih mengendarainya walaupun semakin butut. Scooter buatan india bajaj merah maroon yang bikin bising.

Hello steemit ..
Let me introduce myself
I am omen from lhokseumawe-aceh
You know tsunami?
Yes, the earthquake and tsunami destroyed the country of the aulia ini. But, in my opinion the disaster is the love and affection of god and I believe it.
God is merciful and compassionate, loved dearly again. In Aceh, all the high value, ranging from life (local wisdom) to the results of earth. Petroleum, gas, spices, stone rings, coffee until the gang. You know coffee in aceh is very typical, drinking coffee is our culture.

Daily activity as a teacher is one of the formal education institutions of vocational high schools in lhokseumawe in the field of graphic design. Jobs that have been patterned every day, my activities seem monotonous, well ... a monotonous routine but I enjoy it.
About the music, I still enjoy the street punk genre, grincore, hardcorepunk, skinhead, ska, regge, death metal, qasidah and I love it.
Scooter? .. till the day ni sy still driving it even though more grew.Scooter made by india bajaj red maroon that make noisy.

follow & upvote me @ideaofomen


Welcome ideaofomen, hope you will have a great time here on steemit!

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