How I met my father !

in #introducemyself7 years ago


I grew up without my father ! My mother never spoke about him and throughout the years I learned never to ask her any questions on the subject !

At school i would listen to my friends talking about their dads, some stories were great others were less ! They never asked me anything about my own father and I never said anything about him ! And that was just fine with me ! I couldn't miss what I didn't know.

When I was 19, I started an internship in a large corporation. It was my first experience on the job market. It was quite interesting ! My internship supervisors were great people, Robert, a very serious guy and Tina, who would laugh at all my silly jokes.

Two weeks later, I was introduced to the CEO.

I will never forget the way he looked at me the first time he met me ! You would swear he had seen a ghost !

The next day, he called me into his office ! Robert thought I had done something wrong, so I was scared he was going to end my two months internship ! I was like "shit am gonna get fired" and I didn't know why !

One week later, I was back in his office. He asked me many questions about my mother ! I was surprised but answered honestly.

When I went home that evening, I got the choc of my life. I found the CEO with my Mum waiting for me in the living room.

I was like " What the F*** ! Is my mum having an affair with this guy" !!

Well Kinda, but 19 yrs ago ! This guy was actually my Dad ! I couldn't believe it ! I sent my application to 10 companies and the only one that replied happen to belong to my father ! Life sure has it's mysteries !

Later I found that I look just like his grandmother, that's why he was such in a choc when he saw me for the first time ! My mother never told him she was pregnant ! She walked away from him because he was a married man ! She used to be his secrtary !

This is how I met my dad, by mere coincidence!

Thank you for reading my story ! Visit my blog @hazelnuts

Photo from google images


nice story

Thank you !

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Thank you !

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