Salutations! Allow me to introduce myself.

in #introducemyself8 years ago (edited)

Late 40's Gen X-er here from the U.S. West Coast.

  • I can discuss psychology some, based upon my experience as a red-headed step child growing up in coked out 1970's Los Angeles with one dead parent.

  • I can talk about being a web developer from '94 to 2000. Here's one example and another

  • I've got some great stories from freaking out and running away to join the circus. Well, burning man's DPW, from 2000 to 2009.

  • In 2001 I had a blog about our theme camp, the gift bar, the Safari Social Club. I believe it ran a little over a year. Before and during that time, I was very active with the e-Playa BBS community.

  • I read a couple issues of the National Lampoon back in the 70's and I think it did something to my brain ...

  • I like to read. I'm seriously addicted to hard cyber punk. esp the classics. Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Snow Crash, The Diamond Age ...

I am a badge wearing member of the Chupacabra Policia. Major Mayhem, at your service

  • I think someone pushed me off the crazy train, probably myself, and I made some super fun kids with a rather intelligent & scrappy woman, all of whom, I am honored to take care of as a (slightly embarrassed) Homemaker.

  • Around 2010 I was one of the writers for Love & Trash, an uber hipster blog.

  • I've collected comic books on and off throughout my life. Currently I'm collecting a lot of Image and some Dark Horse titles.

  • I hope there's intelligent life out there. Not just some, but that the place is teeming with life of all levels of awareness and physicality ... or whatever. Yeah. And it would be cool if a LOT of them look friendly. :-) @bola

  • How did I get here and why have I stayed so far?
    I believe I followed a link from a promoted facebook post to get here almost a week ago. At least, that can't be far from the truth. I came because I remember wanting to buy bitcoin in early 2009 ... We had babies ... shyte happens, man! OK fine! If you must know, I couldn't afford it. It would have been irresponsible to take the risk. And then WHAM! bitcoin soared. Not that I'm a big fan of the old pump and dump. Seems to ultimately do more harm than good - I don't know. The point being that, I believe you all may have something here!

    The content aspect is my primary draw. I enjoy producing & consuming it. I also tend to comment on it a lot. I enjoy the natural flow that comes with not having deadlines. I enjoy learning from other people's perspectives & experience. I enjoy being whimsical and taking long walks on the ... wait, WHAT!?! I'm more into whimsically imagining wild and witty things with some punny sprinkled about. I like old muscle cars and I still fashion '70's - 80's metal pretty bitchin', even though I prefer 70's & 80's Punk Rock. But don't get me wrong, some Miles Davis, Thelonious, Satchel-mouth himself and a host of others really put me in a feeling mood. I suppose you could say that I'm diverse in my tastes. As such, I enjoy producing a wide range of content and have no idea where I'll be going with it. So here's to hoping that others find it edifying and that we all grow from the experience.

    I put this post together a few days ago, let me know what you think:
    Why We Can't Have Nice Things Anymore

    Father Mayhem
    Near Portlandia in Oregon.


    This photo is from 2006 or so. I don't rawk the mohawk these days,
    but I do maintain that spent casings are perfectly suitable ear protection
    at the range.


    @fathermayhem - I am tickled pink to have discovered you on Steemit. Okay, I actually saw one of your comments and thought, "He's got a Time to check him out." And here I am.
    I love your intro and totally jive with a lot of stuff you're into. I really hope to see you posting more because I'm already a fan. :)

    Why thank you @merej99 that is a very nice compliment, much appreciated!

    Here's to us both producing and enjoying a lot of content. :grinning:

    Thanks @doitvoluntarily , I hope to. I just spent awhile adding links and a photo, it may be a bit more interesting now. I stumbled upon Steem and am self-orienting so far. I like the idea of being aware of the cryptocurrency aspect, but not expecting much from it. Then my posting can be much more enjoyable. Based upon your username, I'd bet you can appreciate that.

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