Starting new challenges

My name is Eddith Martinez, I am 29 years old, I am a future gynecologist, obstetrician, I like almost all sports except swimming. Im from Venezuela. Optimistic and Gods always guides my way. This blog will be a bit of everything. Follow me and you will see



Welcome to steemit! Followed you!

thanks for follow me!

i follow you too

Hi Eddith looking forward to your posts

thanks! great picture!!

Thanks eddith, did you like my art post? what you think ?

yeah, is very coll, love your photos. They capture the art and the essence of the image! Im going to follow you!

welcome to steemit. will be glad to be a friend.. wanna be friends?

hi, yeah, thank you for asking!

Bienvenida a Steemit! espero que tu estadía en esta maravillosa plataforma este llena de Éxitos!!! Un gran Saludo!!!

Gracias!! Igualmente para ti!! Saludos y feliz año nuevo!!

Gracias!!! Igualmente para ti! Saludos!! Y feliz año nuevo!!!

Saluton @Eddith. Welcome on board. I am a keen swimmer however unfortunately don't life by the sea :-) I am looking forward reading your posts. I don't dare to ask, how is life over there in Venezuela just now?

Well, it's a bit difficult but you can survive, working hard and "echado pa lante" as they say in Venezuela. The important thing is not to lose hope! Thanks for your question and for posting!

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