Hello Steemit! My name is Dmitry Medvedev. This is my introductory post, let's get acquainted!

Hello Steemit!


Hello everyone here!
Is there anybody going to listen to my story?
Let’s start my story.
My name is Dmitry Medvedev, yes I’m the namesake of the prime minister of Russian Federation I am aged of 19.
All my life I live in Kiev, Ukraine. This city will never leave my heart, as I was born and knew the love, kindness of friendship, and happiness here.

The beginning

In my opinion the best wealth in the life are emotions. They fill my life with the sense.

First of all I want to thank my family to have me brought up in that way, I mean they made me the man I am at the moment, and that’s makes me be greatly thankful.



We are living in the world of technology. By the way, it expands rather rapidly, than gradually. This fact helped me to choose the thing I want to do in my life. Being clever enough at Math and Physics I clearly understood the aim I would like to achieve. Now I am the 3rd year student of transport university, which is specialized on integration of computer system into train industry. That means we make people’s travelling more modern and comfortable, in other words we develop new age train that is going to be even more suitable than the plane in some cases.
Everybody knows that Ukraine is famous because of its plane industry, that’s why I want to point out one of my professional purposes– to build a strong train industry also.

The first trip

My first trip was to Crimea chersonese, which I visited aged of 5. Watching this photo I remember how amazing that was, - the first time I saw the see and felt that unbelievable spirit of freedom. You would may be have asked me how I could remember the things happened to me so far. I can’t answer this question.
I believe that was the start of my travelling experience, moreover, I am sure I will continue to broaden my horizons, exploring how wonderful the world is.



I strongly believe that everyone should have a hobby. I consider that hobby helps a person to make his dreams come true. As doing the thing we like we feel ourselves full of energy and ideas to develop whatever we like. This fact makes the human being a bit useful for the world we live in.

My hobbies are cinema and sports. I am keen on football and cinematography.

The first film I saw at cinema with my father was - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. This event became the starting point for a trip to the fascinating world of cinema.

Now I’m actively visiting the film club of National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, where I met excellent and creative people while watching the masterpieces created by such genius as: Hitchcock, Kubrick, Bertolucci, Wells, Kurosova.


Bernardo Bertolucci: “For me being successful sometimes means to pay a great price.”


Stanley Kubrick:” However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.”

I’ve been fond of football and biathlon since the childhood. With bated breath I'm still watching the best athletes of the world who do not get tired to surprise fans all around the world. For example, one of the best world's footballers is argentinian man - Lionel Messi, as well as charming Czech biathlete, winner of the World Cup 2015 - Gabriela Soukalová. I was lucky to get their autographs via my friends- journalists.


My Dream

My dream is to establish a movie company in the future, the influence of which would be directed to the discovery of new names in the exciting world of cinema. Due to the fact that I graduated from music school in the class of singing - I have developed a certain taste , which I'm sure will help me to find a young and talented future figures as " Spielberg and Hanks".



At the end I would like to tell you about my mate, my ALexandra who inspires me every day to new achievements.
It was she to find out accidentally about this great platform – Steemit. She was the person who pushed me to write this introductory post, because she believes that I have something to tell you now and in the further future.
I believe that Steemit is able to make the dreams of people as me come true. And it’s not about the profit, it’a fully about people’s possibility of communication, exchanging information and pleasant amusement, which is amazingly useful, as a great quantity of people post their great ideas, thoughts and experiences. So, don’t be afraid, write, share information, risk, live, and make this wonderful world brighter!
I will be happy to receive your comments, ideas and share with you my best experiences.



Welcome to Steemit @dsmedvedev, great to have you here! -followed

Thank u. Ok)

Welcome my friend!

What a great introductory post! You have inspired me to write mine now! I wish you the best of luck and look forward to reading more posts from you!


Thank you so much! Want to read your post!

Welcome and good luck for your dream!! :)

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