Meet The Team: EOS Block Producer Candidate Cypherglass CEO Rob Finch

in #introducemyself6 years ago (edited)

#IntroduceYourself _ Rob Finch, CEO.png

Since I was in Middle School, I’ve had an intense distrust for authority. I’m not sure how it started. Maybe it was my desire to rebel against my school’s dress code, or just a way to prioritize my passion for video games over homework. Regardless of how it started, this distrust for authority has remained present in my life.

In early 2013, I was browsing Reddit and stumbled upon the contest to create the now-famous “Magic Internet Money” ad for the Bitcoin subreddit. Being a fan of World of Warcraft, wizards, and money, I clicked.

There were a few different versions in the contest, but this is the final that ended up winning..png

What I didn’t know at the time was just how life-changing that click would be. Like many do when they discover crypto, I found myself quickly jumping down the rabbit hole, absorbing as much information as possible about this new technology. I still remember anxiously waiting for my first bitcoins to arrive after sending $400 to some random person in Japan via Moneygram. The feeling I had about Bitcoin in 2013 is one I will never forget. It was a feeling of infinite possibilities, a feeling that this was going to be big.

Fast forward about 5 years later, and I found that same feeling again. Instead of browsing Reddit, I was watching a presentation from Consensus 2017 where Dan Larimer was introducing EOS: a generalized blockchain platform for building commercial-scale decentralized applications. The way Dan pointed out the flaws of current blockchain platforms like Bitcoin and Ethereum (and the solutions EOS was introducing) gave me that same a-ha moment I had when I first discovered Bitcoin: this is going to be big.

For me, the most exciting part about EOS is not the potential for infinite scalability, inter-blockchain communication, or even the fact that there are no transaction fees (ownership vs rental FTW!) The most exciting part about EOS is its decentralized governance system because it solves critical problems that I saw cripple the Bitcoin project over the last 5 years. In 2013, it felt like we all had a say in the direction of Bitcoin, but over time it quickly became apparent that the top 3 (yes, only 3!) mining pools on the network actually had all the power. The community could propose updates (BIPs) that we all agreed on, but the miners could (and did) simply refuse to implement them. This critical lack of governance in Bitcoin, where token holders truly don’t have any power, has held Bitcoin back from innovating. That’s why decentralized governance on the EOS blockchain, including on-chain arbitrage, is the most exciting part about EOS to me.

I’m incredibly excited to be a part of Cypherglass, the premiere US-based EOS block producer candidate, and look forward to growing the EOS network and community in any way I can.

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Rob Finch is the CEO of Cypherglass, the premier US Block Producer Candidate. He is the Founder of ICO Alert, the only comprehensive ICO Discovery Platform. Rob helped grow ICO Alert from a small website into a well known cryptocurrency brand. Rob has been an active investor in the cryptocurrency space since 2013, and has put in his “10,000 hours” of research on blockchain tech, cryptography, and consensus protocols. He possesses a deep understanding of blockchain tech, its innovations, and its potential pitfalls.

To learn more about Cypherglass and how to vote go to or visit us on social media!

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